Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Darlings, Can You Believe Another Year Milestone Has Passed???????????

Girls, there are just certain events, usually between late November and end of December, that just signal the passing of another year, and one of those is my friend Audrey's annual Hanukkah party. For the sixth time we gathered at her palatial Brooklyn Hts terraced apartment, where her mother served up the most delicious latkes, enshrined in the kitchen with the energy of Barbra Streisand doing six concert engagements. The pesto lasagna and coogle were of highest quality, as always, the drinks flowed, and the jelly donuts were a MUST. And this from one who is not big on jelly donuts, but these were GOOD. I would not be surprised if Mrs. Henik or Erica got up early that morning to bake.

The year's most captivating addition to the gathering, Miss Ruby Ann Henik made a special appearance, and as always was a real trouper--passed back and forth, patted and fed by scads of people she could barely take in, Ruby sailed through the evening like Anna Wintour at a fashion showing. And looked even more glamorous!!!!!!!!

I am telling you, no one does Hanukkah like Audrey! The vastly different and decorated menorahs, the glowing candles, truly made it a Festival of Lights, and very moving, as always. And speaking of moving, look for Audrey to do one in the coming year!!!!! I cannot wait to see the new digs; I need to plan for window treatments!!!!!!!!

But, yes, the year is winding down, with a polish and style to match!!!!!!!!!
Make sure your fingernails match, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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