Friday, December 31, 2010

Darlings, It Was the Summer Of Franzen Frenzy!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, once Jonathan Franzen's "Freedom" hit bookstores in August, it was the biggest thing since "Gone With The Wind!!!" You simply could not go out, if you had not read it. All anyone talked was Patty Berglund!!!!

Not to mention how brilliant, dreamy, and a Voice of Our Generation Mr. Jonathan Franzen was. Monsieur and I caught an appearance of his at Three Lives, and, girls, I just about swooned, like Ann-Margret in "Bye, Bye, Birdie!!!!!" And got my copy autographed in the process.

There was no question, from the day it appeared, that "Freedom" would be the Book Of The Year, with all the attendant hoopla over Mr. Franzen, good and bad, adding to the fires.

Girls, if you have not read it yet, you simply MUST!!!!! You will talk about it for weeks!!!!!!!!!

And I did NOT steal his glasses in London!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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