Friday, December 31, 2010

Girls, What Can Be Said About Monsieur Davide.....

.....that has not been said already??????

May was a gorgeous month--I played my Julie Andrews "Camelot" recording on the first-- and on the eighth thereof courtesy of online, I met Monsieur Davide, who was so cute and endearing, not to mention so LOVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!!!!
that things just clicked from the first time on. Whom do you think I am spending New Year's Eve with, tonight???????
Monsieur Davide has the patience of a saint, and I love him so much, even when he does not shave, or refuses to wear panties, which I do not allow too often, I can tell you!!!!!! Tomorrow happens to be his birthday, which means he will go naked at midnight like the New Year Baby he is, and tomorrow will be indulged and pampered. Just like he does me the other 364 days.

I think God, 2010, Whomever, every day for Monsieur Davide!!!!! As they used to say at the end of "The Newlywed Game"--


Darlings, like Carol I was unable to include an accurate pic of Monsieur Davide, so in its place I am including one of Lennox Pawle in his most endearing role as the endearing Mr. Dick in Selznick's "David Copperfield." Monsieur reminds me of this character in so many, loving ways!!!!!!!!!

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