Friday, December 31, 2010

Girls, The First Story Is The Earliest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, last year things kicked off the same way--same shit, different year. Shortly after the holidays, I breezed into Three Lives bookstore, where the intellectually brilliant and stunningly gorgeous Carol Wald works, and began to bemoan my spinster status, which was more and more beginning to look permanent. Carol kept urging me to do the online thing, as that is how she said she met her hubby of 10 years.

I kept putting Carol off, when finally, I took the plunge, and darlings, the results I netted will be recorded in the next story of mine from 2010. Suffice it to say, Carol was right on all counts, and I have not regretted it a day since. Now, if she advises me on my portfolio--like, if I had such a thing,darlings--I would not question her acumen.

So my first hats off goes to Carol Wald in 2010. I SO wanted to represent her pictorially, so, not being able to find a true choice, I took hers, so here is Elizabeth Taylor in the classic white bathing suit from "Suddenly, Last Summer!!!!"
I am sure Carol looks this good when she DOES go to the beach!!!!!

Make sure you all do, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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