Friday, December 31, 2010

Darlings, What Are You Dooooooooing Neeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww Year's? Neeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaarrrrrrr's Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve?????

Well, girls soon it is time for the Ball to drop, which means for certain be sure yours does not. Which brings me to my Classic new Year's Eve story. I may have told it before, but it is worth telling again.

The year was 1982. I had been into the city, to see a movie, but wanted to get out fast, before all the Hell in Times Square started. My father was in Florida, so I had the house in Highland Park all to myself. I decided simply to have a quiet dinner, watch the Ball drop, and go to bed early.

There was in town then a wonderful deli called Tabatchnik's, which was as good as anything in New York. I decided to dine her, and it turned out I was not the only one with this idea. The place was packed. Mrs. Tabatchnik and her teen aged son and daughter were behind the counter, working. Except the boy was arguing, too. Apparently, he wanted to go into the city for the Times Square hoopla, and his mother did not. The argument kept escalating, until the mother said, "Listen, if I hear that you went into New York, YOUR ball is going to drop."

The place went silent. Knives and forks came to a screeching halt. Everyone looked behind the counter. Finally, the exasperated daughter turned to her mother and said, "Well, Ma, they heard THAT!!!!"

I think of this every year. I wonder what became of Mrs. Tabatchnik and the children!!!!!!

So, now, as I recount the stories of 2010, think back on how the year was to you!!!! Hope 2011 is good to all my girls!!!!! Hope it is as good to moi as 2010 was!!!!

Auld Lang Syne, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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