Thursday, December 30, 2010

Darlings, No One Said Bitches Were Smart!!!!!!!!

Girls, the final Bitch Of The Week for 2010 demonstrates that while some bitches are highly intelligent, and can hold powerful social positions, others are just dumb as mud, and fit for nothing but a hog wallow. And such is the case with the year's final selection, a proponent of what the Raving Queen despises about America!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Dennis Taylor, of Bedford, New Hampshire!!!!!!!

Who????? Where???????

Let's say a few things about the state. Its history has been questionable ever since the 1950s, when Grace Metalious roasted it over hot coals in her classic novel, "Peyton Place." That town was a standin for Gilmanton, NH, where she lived at the time, and not only were she and her husband (who lost his job!!!) practically tarred and feathered, the book was banned throughout the entire state.

This is the state to also give us J.D. Salinger and Joyce Maynard. How are they for literary contrasts--one world beater, and one makeshift writer???? However, next to Mr. Taylor, both come off winners.

Mr. Taylor calls himself "a Conservative Christian," so right away you are asking for trouble. When I hear that phrase, I think of someone who spouts spiritual aphorisms all week, but keeps pornography locked in his desk drawer, or, in today's climate, on his hard drive. I am not about to get into what Taylor does for a living, but when he starts spouting about "anti-capitalism," it is safe to say he is not in an intellectually challenging field.

What has earned Taylor the BOTW distinction is his meeting with the School Board, demanding administrators be fired, because in his son Jordan's Personal Finance class, he was assigned Barbara Ehrenreich's "Nickel And Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America," which lays bare the plight of the minimum wage worker in this country, and suggests that future generations will not do as well as those that produced the baby boomers. Hell, even this baby boomer can tell you that!!!!!

Both Taylor, and his wife, Aimee (who gets honorable mention) feel the book is anti-capitalist; either they have it all, financially, or they would rather lie to their son, leaving him to suffer finding out truths for himself, which are very likely to happen. They are further angered by Jesus being referred to in the book as a"vagrant" and a "precocious socialist." Hell, I don't think Jesus would have any problem with that. Nor would I think he dispute the honesty of Ehrenreich's book, which has gone on to be produced as a stage play!!!!!!

What I think Jesus would be perturbed by, and which the Raving Queen is, are the Taylors' self righteous maintenance of the status quo, which is probably what they were fed by their right wing parents, meaning these are people unable to think for themselves!!!!!! And these are parents who are now home schooling Jordan???? What kind of biased education will that give him???? Not one steering him to college; even the lowest ranking community colleges have their little pockets of liberalism. Short of completely isolating him, how do the Taylors expect to shield Jordan from the world???? Which is what it sounds like they want to do!!!!! Himmler would be proud of them, I am sure!!!!!

At least the superintendent and administrators did not fire the teacher teaching the class. Nor did they remove the book from the syllabus, insisting that any parent offended by the assignment could select an alternate book. But this was not good enough for the Taylors, who went and pulled Jordan out of school!!!!

Honey, I would like to pull the Taylors out of New Hampshire, and plunk them down in Manhattan, Rwanda, or even Secaucus--anything outside their sphere to shake them out of their righteous complacency, which will perpetuate itself, via Jordan, down through their generations. Unless..ha ha, darlings..Jordan eventually turns out to be GAY!!!!! Wouldn't that be just!!!!!!!!

I could not have selected a more inane BOTW myself than if I had made one up, which only proves real life is, indeed, often stranger than fiction. A fitting end to a year full of bitches!!!!!

But don't miss tomorrow, when I name Bitch Of The Year!!!! Anyone who has been reading this blog for awhile, will, I think, know already whom that will be!!!!!!

Love to all my bitches, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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