Thursday, December 30, 2010

Where Have I Been, Girls???????

Darlings, what a day I have had!!! Do you think I would forsake my readers? Of course not. What with being housebound for the last two days, and finishing up "Great Expectations" (by my counting, the fifth reading of it) I was starting to feel like Miss Havisham myself, who, while still a spinster, I considered my role model. But that is for another time. I had to stay home yesterday to acknowledge an important delivery!!!!!

Girls, when you are a Princess such as I, it is important that you hold court. And the place us Princesses hold such is the bedroom, or boudoir, where our bed is our throne, and our night table, with phone, books and other essentials, is our butler of choice. So yesterday, dolls, I was awaiting the arrival of a new bed set, fit for a Pricess!!!! And it arrived, and it is!!!!!!!

Honey, the things this Princess needs to do in it!!!! Such as curling up with Monsieur Davide. And of course it has to be decorated--we are working on that right now--in best Blanche Deveraux style. I have to tell you I was so nervous, what with strange men traipsing in and out of the place--yes, darlings, my purity was frightened--and furnishings coming and going. You know how I like my quiet and seclusion, loves; on that level, I guess I maintain a residue of Miss Havisham. But soon they were gone, the bed was assembled, Monsieur arrived to comfort me and help me make it up, and I am telling you, I felt like the Princess and the Pea!!!!! It remains for further decorations to be undergone, so that I can truly reign. Perhaps I will receive guests from my bed for tea, not unlike Miss Havisham. In any case, the item has arrived, and now I can get out and about, which includes today a meeting with a childhood friend (Doug) and a shopping excursion in early eve with Monsieur Davide. And to think we are coming down the home stretch on what for me has been a watershed year. In just two more days, 2010 will be history, and there will be a new one to make. Pray things go well for us all, darlings, and don't miss my recounting of this year's important events, tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once Upon A Mattress, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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