Thursday, December 9, 2010

Darlings, This Bitch Has Had It Coming For A Long Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, it is Thursday, which means it is time for Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!! I have to admit this week gave me problems; no one stood out. I mean, Santana on "Glee?" Just your garden variety Adolescent Princess Bitch, just like Ellen Zamost, back in my hometown. And look how SHE ended up--from the wealthiest family on Harrison Avenue, to Pennington, New Jersey????? In SOUTH Jersey, the white trashiest part of the state??????? And that is saying alot for New Jersey!!!!!!!!
Then we thought about Catherine Black, the appointee of the NYC School Board; I mean, where does a magazine editor get off thinking she can take on education???? If you are Anna Wintour, honey, sure!!!!!!!!! But Black is NO Anna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then it occured to ME--Black is not the one to blmae. The person who put her there IS. And lo and behold, there we have our Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week award is New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has had this coming for a long time!!!!!!! First, his mother is 101, which in her case and his prove that nasty people live longest!!!!!!! Second, there is the tiptoeing around Bloomberg's sexuality, which I think is a RIOT because the4 man simply hasn't ANY!!!!!!!!! He is too ugly to be GAY, and too priggish to be STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!! He is completely ASEXUAL!!!!!!! I can't think of a better way to de-arouse oneself than to look at a picture of Bloomberg!!!!!! Unless it is Martha Stewart!!!!!!!!!

But this guy for years has done nothing but extol the rich, shown it is all about HIM, and deriding others for not being able to make moeny, simply because he was able!!!!! The most infurtiating thiing about Mayor Mike is his "If-I-could-do-it-you-should-be-able-to-and-too-damn-bad-if-you-can't!" attitude!!!!! it is one thing to be RICH, darlings! I mean, some of my best friends are--the REALLY best friends!!!!!!! But they don't shout it from the rootops every chance they like Hizzonner!!!!!!!!!

And pigheaded!!!!!!!!! Appointing Black simply because "I CAN!" What kind of high minded principles does that constitute???? Does it show a concern for the education of this city's youth???? No, it shows only a concern with his own egocentricity, and this is what makes him such a GREAT bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So hats off, to our Bitch Of The Week, Michael Bloomberg!!!!! Corporate asshole, capitalist pig, Scrooge, inept administrator, no expereince in education..........bitches don't come this complete!!!!!!!

Let's all play Slap The Bitch, darlings!!!!!!!! Put a picture of him on the wall, and hit it!!!!!!!!!! Goes great with eggnog, loves!!!!!!!!!!!

Ho! Ho! Ho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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