Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Oh, My God!!!!!!!!! Girls!!!!!!!!!!!! Did You See The Living Nativity Episode of "Raising Hope?"

Darlings, this was Christmas cheer with an acerbic edge. Even in the white trash nabe in this show, residents have to outdo the other at holiday time by having the BEST decorated house, or in this case the BEST living nativity. Martha Plimpton as the Virgin Mary was a scream, and Little Hope made the best Baby Jesus you ever saw!!!!! Like the ad said "Real Living Baby Jesus Scaled To Size!!!!!" Unlike that Fat Asian toddler the ultra WASPS tried to pass of as the Savior, and try to show their diversity, which does not really exist, anyway????? The kid here would have been better cast as a Steamed Pork Dumpling!!!!!!!!! Or maybe they should have gotten B. D. Wong!!!!!!! Now, THAT would have been cute!!!!!!!!!!!

But with Martha as Virginia spewing forth the fireworks spouting Star of Bethlehem, Dancing Dan doing carols, and the neighborhood fights, this was a Christmas episode to warm the cockles of one hearts. since it was devoid of the maudlin crap that permeates most episodes with this theme. I am telling you, darlings, all it needed was a guest appearance by The Rochette's, with Grandma Cloris Leachman in the center kick line!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be a tough act to follow, girls! It is up there already, along with "Female Trouble" and the Mystery Science Theater "Santa Claus" as one of the great Anti-Christmas, but still Christmas, shows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a Merry, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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