Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Girls, What A Multifaceted Day It Is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, something must have been in the Cosmos during this 24 hour cycle of time, because so many things abound. First of all, darlings, today just happens to be the Feast Of The Immaculate Conception, on which we honor Mary--yes, darlings, THAT MARY, the BVM, Queen of ALL--who is queenly beyond any of you earthly bitches, including yours truly and Joan Crawford!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though we do have MERYL as her representative here on Earth, who keeps Mary in touch with what is happening down here regarding fashion, fine dining, and terrorism; you know, the important matters.

On an altogether different spectrum, today marks--I cannot believe it--the 30th anniversary of the shooting of John Lennon. I can remember where I was when I heard--ensconced in front of my TV in suburban New Jersey, working in an NYU bookstore the next day, imagining a 30 year future as the most unlikeliest of possibilities. And here we are!!!!!!!!!! Certainly an iconic figure of not only the Baby Boom generation but of New York City and the Dakota was lost that day. Mark David Chapman provided enough grist for Sondheim to make him a character in his last, great musical, "Assassins," and, well, darlings, has pop music ever been the same?????????? You bet not!!!!!!!!!!! Strawberry Fields Forever, indeed!!!!!!!!!!

But rest, assured, darlings, for all my queenly readers who desire camp, one fact stands out above the rest regarding this day; an unheralded, but nevertheless very important piece of theater history!!!!!! And I am convinced that choosing to open it on this day was an entertaining joke on the part of the producers and press agents. Sweeties, 56 years ago tonight, when yours truly was just 20 days old, "The Bad Seed" opened on Broadway!!!!!!!!! No, I did not audition back then, but I find it interesting that both the novel and play occurred in the year of my birth; symptomatic of the importance it would later come to have for me. Let's face it, darlings-- have Mother and child relations, not to mention high style theatrics, been the same, since????????? Hardly!!!!!!!!!!! Why not have your own "Bad Seed" party tonight and hold a special screening???????

The stars had to have been in one Hell of an alignment for all this to happen on this day!!!!!! It gets me exhausted just thinking about it!!!! So whichever thing you do--a glass of eggnog while praying to Mary, listening to Lennon or watching "The Bad Seed," remember, this is the day that made it all possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus we need to start Christmas Shopping, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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