Friday, December 31, 2010

Darlings, We Just LOVE Miss Havisham!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, on a fifth reading, let me tell you, Miss Havisham dominates this novel like Mrs. Danvers looms over "Rebecca." It is no coincidence that the Gothic horror trappings of both novels is what draws readers to them.

But let us get back to Miss H. A spinster jilted on her wedding day by her half brother, Arthur, and his compatriot, a Mr, Compeyson, in order to get money from her, she shuts herself in Satis House, allows all around her to crumble--wedding cake, bridal coach, wedding gown. She lives with rats, and raises her young ward, Estella, to be a grade A bitch. Only Estella is more victim than bitch, since she has no idea who she really is, or what Miss Havisham is using her for. She ruins both Estella and Pip, recanting at the end, before she dies!!!!!

Honey, I just love her!!!! Miss Havisham nurses her resentments and broken heart, like I do those of Diane, Roberta, National Honor Society and Highland Park, who were my life jilters!!!!! How I would love to sit in seclusion, sip tea, wear a designer gown, have a walking staff, and a young ward to break the hearts of the gay world with!!!!!

Because, darlings, in doing what she did, Miss H allows her jilter to WIN. And you know the Raving Queen would not allow that under any circumstances!!!!!! I would go after them with hammer and tongs till they were struck down dead!!!!

Did you know, girls, that Satis House was based on a real mansion in Rochester, Kent, near where Dickens lived???? That Miss H was based on one Eliza Emily Donnithorne of Camperdown, Sydney, Australia (1827-1886), who, at 19, on her wedding day, was jilted by one Mr. Cuthbertson (note the similarity to Compeyson???), and spent her life in seclusion for the remaining 40 years of her life??? Too bad nothing could be found on Estella; maybe she emerged from creative cloth, though if any of my girls know any more, please let the Raving Queen know!!!
Back in the days when I thought I would remain an Eternal Spinster, Miss Havisham used to be my role model. Now that, as Monsieur Davide says, I am a matron, the only place I am fit to be Miss H is onstage. And you know I am ready to play her, darlings!!!!! Martita Hunt in David Lean's film is the DEFINITIVE Miss Havisham, but I am telling you, girls, I could give her a run for her money!!!!!

There is a lesson for all here, girls!!!! If you are done dirt, do it right back!!!!!

And make sure your make-up never runs!!!!!!

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