Friday, December 31, 2010

Girls, We Just Cannot Get Enough of Miss H!!!!!!!!!

How many times does a literary character merit two postings????? Well ,let me tell you, darlings, Miss Havisham does!!!!!!

Defined for all time by Martita Hunt, she is the role I have wanted to play, darlings, for years!!!!! And she has paved the way for others--Baby Jane Hudson, Norma Desmond, and the two Edie Beales, are all worthy descendants of Miss H, just like their respective homes (especially the real life Grey Gardens) are worthy offspring of Satis House!!!!!!!!

One cannot get enough of Miss H, who is more to be censured than pitied. Honey, if I had had her rage, AND her resources, I would have driven brother Arthur and Mr. Compeyson to ruin. Not that they do not come to it, anyway, but she might have bought it about sooner, had she been more proactive!!!!!! Just like in my own small way, I get back at Diane, Roberta, Highland Park, Mrs. Santamarina and National Honor Society every time I write about it. It is MY little joke,darlings, and NOW I have the last laugh!!!!!!!

Miss H thinks she does, but she really doesn't. And poor Estella--no control at all!!! Made to think she is high class, when she is lower than some slut from Goat Alley. No wonder Pip daren't tell her; she could not handle it, and what would she be fit for???? This is why I keep telling my girls to maintain the importance of your class distinctions!!!!! You don't want to end up like Estella, darlings. Who, by the way, at the end of the novel, does not have as much of that stunning beauty as she first did.

One wonders if Miss H had any at all!!!! But I am telling you, my girls, if you want to keep yours, stick with the Raving Queen, not Miss Havisham!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. you are so right, kitten. can you tell me, is that vivian lee with her? toodles, kitty.
