Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Girls, Go Get Rutgers!!!!!!!!

This just in--late last night, girls, I discovered that the Clementis, Tyler's parents, that is, have notified Rutgers University that they plan to sue the school. As one detractor, even said, at the very least they should be refunded completely the money they shelled out for his education. But more important, this signals another grinding of those proverbial Mills of Justice!!!!!!
I certainly hope that Rutgers is taken to the cleaners, for, despite, what spokesperson E.J.Miranda says, the University IS responsible for Tyler Clementi's death. It provided no safety nets or refuge for him to seek from this bullying harassment, driving him into a state of confusion where he could not think clearly, resulting in him taking the tragic option he did.

You had better believe that They--Rutgers Administration, Dahrun Ravi and Molly Wei--destroyed our sweet Clementine, and they will all pay in some way. Tyler cannot be brought back, BUT his memory can be kept alive, and this could serve to administrators and students alike to watch out for such red signal signs as Tyler had been sending out, but which were palpably ignored. Perhaps a drop in enrollment, a loss of revenues and a jail time coupled with the social stigma that will haunt Ravi and Wei for the remainder of their undeserved lives will serve as a reminder of what was taken from not only the Clementis, but from all of us who felt a kinship with Tyler, and knew of the vast potential that, had it allowed to be tapped into, could have made some substantial contributions to the world.

Darlings, I hope the Clementis take Rutgers to the cleaners, not so much for their monetary gain, as recompense for how this school destroyed not only their son, but their family, for you can bet for anyone fortunate enough to have known or come into contact with Tyler, things will NEVER be the same again!!!!!!!

You can bet they will not be the same for ME, darlings!!!!! And you know where I stand on this!!!!! Let the University offices be harassed to give them a taste of the medicine the University, by its actions, gave Tyler!!!!!! When the dust settled, I hope none of the bones are left!!!!!! And what is, I will burn like the trash it is!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Raving Queen vows that until things are satisfactorily resolved, Tyler Clementi will not go away, he will not be able to rest in peace, and no one deserves to more than he, after the Hell he went through on Earth!!!!! Support the Clementis in their move, pray for them and Tyler, so that they may in times to come know some modicum of happiness, small compensation may it be for what they have lost!!!!!!!!

Tyler and Clementis, the Raving Queen is with and loves you!!! GO ! GO !!!!!! GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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