Thursday, December 23, 2010

Darlings, This Bitch Is No Colorado Rocky Mountain High!!!!

Girls, who would think there would be an abundance of bitches during Christmas week!!! Because, let me tell you, one of the power figures in the NYC arts scene, Miss Julie Taymor, nearly won the award this week, for her consistently putting actors in life injurious positions under the guise of a Broadway musical career, in the musical "Spider Man-In The Dark!" This has to be the most injury laden show since "Starlight Express," and we all know what a piece of crap that was. But at least that piece of crap got to open; if there is any justice, Spidey will not see the light of day, and many actors will be saved, instead of upping the show's insurance risks, making it even more costly than it is!!!!!

But when you match all this against someone who has the temerity to write AND publish a missive entitled, "The Pedophile's Guide To Love And Pleasure," sorry, Julie, but this trounces YOU!!!!!

The winner of the Raving Queen's Bitch Of The Week Award is Phillip R. Greaves.
He is the author of said tome. Arrested at his home in Colorado, he is one creepy looking dude; wish I could show my girls, but this is coming to you from my vacation computer on a MAC, and the picture transition is not the same as on most I use. But who wants to look at ugliness during Christmas week!!!! It is bad enough that such a book got published, and I am betting it was a vanity pressing, but can you believe Amazon at one point was using the Freedom of Speech argument to justify putting it on there sale site????? Get a grip, darlings!!!!! This is no Bronte novel, let me tell you!!!!! Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed, and the book was removed.

Greaves was arrested at his Colorado home, but there is a conneciton to Bartow, Florida. I am not surprised, because Florida is fertile ground for pedophiles--remember Adam Walsh??-- and besides, the sun is so hot and brain cell degenerate, so if you have no mind already, what else is there to do in Florida????? Guess you can tell I will not be retiring there anytime soon; not because I am a pedophile, but because I have too much brains!!!!!!

So let us congratulate our Christmas Bitch Of The Week, Philip Greaves!!!!!
Tie a green ribbon around his...... with some mistletoe, pull hard till it is torn apart from his body!!!!!! Merry Christmas, Peddie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And love to all my good, non-pedophile Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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