Thursday, December 23, 2010

Still On Vacation, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As stated, darlings, that is why no pics are up, though, as Monsieur Davide says, lack of a visual component is no excuse not to stay in touch with my girls. It is, after all, the writing that is important.

So I am still in bucolic PA with my sister and Elder Father, still going strong at 95. The suburbs are a culture shock to this highly sophisticated New Yorker; I mean, even with the King of Prussia mall. You would not believe the obesity factor down here; I mean, girls, next to some of these porkers, I am Blythe Danner!!! But when you subsist on the Food Court, how can one help not being such?????

And the heterosexuality--oh, my God!!!!!! The local teen boys have "homophobic" writ en all over them. I would just love to stand on a street corner here and scream out "Tyler Clementi"-- I would probably be stoned to death, like Tessie Hutchinson at the end of Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery," because I am sure more than 75% of the residents down here, think Ravi, Wei and Rutgers are absolved of any blame in the death of Tyler Clementi. Would you believe some moron commenting said why don't the Clementis sue the owner of the GW Bridge???? Bitches!!!!! Well, let me tell you, the GW Bridge makes it SO easy to do what Tyler did, it is just begging someone to jump!! Why don't they think about putting up barriers, so future jumpers cannot do the deed--at least not on that bridge????? I thought that back in October, when I did the Tyler Clementi walk. If these homophobes get off, and pave the way for acceptance of homophobia in this society, I want you girls to know I will not stand for it---I will brutalize the system until some demands are met, until some kind of justice is attained. Tyler is watching, and he will not rest in peace until this is done.

And for the record, the Clemetis are not doing this to buy a house or advance their financial situation. They lost a gifted child, and while nothing can replace that child they want --and I want--everyone to know that the situation leading to this loss will not be tolerated.

Whew!!!!! This started as a vacation report, and turned into my social agenda!!!! Two topics for the price of one, girls!!!! Don't say the Raving Queen does not cover ALL.

Meanwhile, Elder Father and I are going shopping--Neiman Marcus, no less!-- and then to a movie!!!!! I want to see "The Fighter," but with a beer swilling cuss mongering Amy Adams, I need heavy meds, and my father would have to be taken to the ER. So we are going to settle for "How Do You Know," with Owen Wilson, whose birthday I share, and who for some bizarre reason I find cute. So, girls, I love you all, I will be back with pics soon, so keep up the shopping, catch "Meet Me In St. Louis," with that iconic Christmas sequence with Judy and Margaret, and then have some iconic, and highly potent, egg nog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you under the mistletoe, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!

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