Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

No, girls, this is NOT Karen Carpenter; after all I have been eating down here in bucolic PA I can tell you anorexia is definitely not an issue with ME!!!!!!!!!!

How are all my girls this Christmas morning. Mine started last night, with the arrival of Monsieur Davide, who provides a fabulous addition to my Yule tide season, and let me tell you, honey, his Yule log...well, never mind!!!!!

As befits tradition I ascended the stairs to bed on Christmas Eve, clad in my Spinster Nightgown, with a taloned candle in my hand, right out of "Jane Eyre." I got into my Victorian fourposter and curled up with my copy of "Great Expectations." Perfect for this night, as it opens on Christmas Eve. And, darlings, let me tell you, that Miss Havisham is a role model for all spinsters. When I was such, I used to clutch my heart, and cackle "Broken!", just like her!!!!! And that Estella! What a bitch!!!!!
I would LOVE to train a young male ward to break the hearts of gay men!!!!! Wouldn't that be FABULOUS, darlings!!!! I think that is what Little Edie Beale was trying to do, when she launched her own night club act.

We awoke to Christmas cheer, and as Patty McCormack in "The Bad Seed" might trill, "Presents?" Such presents, darlings; including some Ralph Lauren specials that were created just for ME!!!!!! I am sure even Princess Lee Radizwill would be impressed!!!!

Now we await the coming of little feet, in the form of the arrival of Fiona and Alexander, children of my nephew Jonathan and his wife Mandy. I expect the doors will fling wide open, and the children will burst in, followed by their world weary and exasperated parents. Imagine how exasperated I would be had I had children!!!! Darlings, the Raving Queen is the one who does the exasperating, not to get exasperated!!!!

Nevertheless, I wish all my girls out there a Merry Christmas!!!! Stuff your faces today, but pull those corsets a little tighter tomorrow!!!! Glad Yule Tidings to all, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

And kisses under the mistletoe for all!!!!!!!!

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