Monday, January 31, 2011

Darlings, Bye, Bye, January!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, today we have made it one twelfth of the way through 2011!!!!!!!! Who knows what will follow in the other eleven???? And I am telling you, in spite of the holiday downswing, there was fun aplenty, what with Monsieur's birthday, "The Divine Sister,' Dim Sum, "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte........" darlings, a social whirlwind, as usual.

February has some things on the horizon, like Valentine's Day (yummy!!!!) and getting together with Donna for our annual tax session. Not to mention tomorrow night is Candlemass Eve, which I will enlighten you on more tomorrow. But also on the horizon is my upcoming......colonoscopy. Honey, I am telling you, I am so anxious I may watch "The Song of Bernadette" with Monsieur a good two months ahead of the Easter Sunday deadline, when one is supposed to watch it. Perhaps the miracle of Jennifer Jones will transfer itself over to the colonscopy!!!!! Lord, I hope so.

But I am so lucky to have Monsieur with me every step of the way, and I praise God every day for that. Don't forget to praise all the loved ones in your life, girls!!!!! I promise a BIG message this Sunday, prior to my procedure, so watch for it, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Onward with 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!

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