Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Darlings, We'Ve Made It To Another Candlemass Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, congratulations, we are beyond January, and faced with the first of February, which, as all my girls know, is Candlemass Eve!!!!!!! This is the night the witches mock the rituals of the church, and sacrifice a virgin!!!!!!! The first part is easy, the second has become even harder. Not even Janice Gonnella, once that historical diaphragm was found, can claim that distinction. Though she can claim an Eleanor Rigby sort of spinsterhood, which is the sort of life an unmarried woman would live in Highland Park, New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best thing one can do tonight is watch the classic film, "Horror Hotel," with an all-star lineup featuring Christopher Lee (in a surprisingly minor role), Valentine Dyall (as the unforgettable Jethro Keene), Venetia Stevenson, Betta St. John, Ann Beach as Lottie, and best of all Patricia Jessel as everyone's favorite concierge, Mrs. Newless!!!!!! Although my other two favorites are the two women who yell "Burn the Witch!" at the opening, framed by the awaiting stake, and the prune faced spinsters, framing the hotel, whom Nan (Stevenson) first sees upon arrival in scenic Whitewood, garden vacation spot for all students of the occult!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To think this film is fifty years old. Back then, virgins were easy to find!!! Today, even the convents are no guarantee!!!!!! As for me, I am a conditional virgin, honey!!!!!!!!!! And that does not count!!!!!!!!!!!

So just where is a virgin to be found, these days?????? Not among MY girls, honey!!!!!!!! But if you succeed let me know! The hour of Thirteen is almost upon us!!!!!!!!

Just ring for room service, darlings!!!!!

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