Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Spring???????????? Honey, You Have Got To Be Kidding!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, today is Groundhog's Day,
and I wish all my darlings a happy one, but, let me tell you, if you think we are going to have an early Spring, why you can go just go fart into this winter ice storm!!!!!! Not only will the furry creature not predict spring--though we can always hope it will bite Bloomberg again!!!!-- I wonder if he will even stick his head out of the hole!!!!! I mean, I wouldn't, with weather like this!!!! Hell, I am not so sure about Audrey's tonight in this snow and ice; I may just come home and cozy up to Monsieur. Wish we could stay in our own little hog hole, and not come out till Spring, but with the wind howling outside with "Wuthering Heights" like velocity, who knows when that will be???? This Winter is getting on everyone's nerves, what with cabin fever, health related issues, and the like. And to think, TCM is showing 31 days of Oscar movies, and NOT ONCE are they showing "The Song Of Bernadette!!!!" What is wrong with these people???? And, girls, let me tell you, my work is cut out for me this weekend, if I watch it, prior to my colonoscopy, because I have my work cut out for me getting Monsieur prepared for it!!!!!!!

What would Rue McClanahan make of all this, or do???? I want to be brave and courageous, like Rue!!!! Not like that groundhog!!!!! So let me wish you a happy day, with nips aplenty for Bloomberg, and if you must venture out in this weather, be careful, darlings!!!!!!!!

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