Thursday, January 6, 2011

Darlings, Last Night Must have Been "Fatso" Night On Television!!!!!!!

Girls, as you know, if it is one thing I have got, it is a Maternal Heart; room enough in it for all God's creatures, especially the well off and well endowed!!!!!
But last night really put me to the test, because there is only so much ugliness I can take. And after a workday with Grotesque Creatures!!!!!

Last night, there was another one of these ersatz Reality shows called "Half Ton Teen," dealing with morbidly obese teenagers. Poor Murphy, who could not get his weight down, died of complications of pneumonia, at only 18!!!!! Them, there was Billy and his Mom, from White Trash Texas. On one hand, she is crying help for her child, while enabling him in the next breath. Billy, who weighs in at 498lbs., and is only 20, is barely seen in a vertical position, his idea of exercise is throwing a ball from a hospital bed, and he does the greatest "Why doesn't anyone believe me?" act this side of Joan Cusack on 'SVU.' Darlings, it was gross, and though we had to switch for 'SVU,' I can tell you, if Murphy did not make it, then I had my doubts about Billy, gastric bypass surgery, or not!!!!!

But FAT was all over TV. The first thing I see in one of the 'SVU' episodes was some fat thing in underwear and a mask going all pedophile over some nymphet in braids!!!!! At first, I thought they might do a John Gacy redux, but he went after boys. And even though a hefty size, Gacy was reasonably presentable looking; this guy looked like he belonged on the Reality program!!!!!!! At least he gets off screen, eventually, when we learn he is beaten in prison!!!!! And wasn't Elliot just great shoving this fatty up against the wall? You have to hand it to Chris Meloni's arm power, girls!!!!!! How many of my girls would like to get rammed up against the wall, by him???? I know you would!!!!!!!

The earlier "Fight Club" episode tested MY patience, darlings, I am telling you. A kid is found dead on a merry-go-round; turns out he was socker punched in some ersatz human cockfighting ritual, where boys' Dads pay and gamble to see their sons beat the living crap out of each other!!!!! I would like to beat the living crap out of those Dads. Or, maybe get Dykes On Bikes to do it!!!!! One of the Dads, Hank Roberts, is real SCUM, beating his son, and his whore wife Sandra will do nothing for herself or her son, because she wants a Meal Ticket!!!!! If I did not have a Bitch Of The Week lined up already, she would make a good choice!!!!!! But the other bitch here was ADA Hardwicke, she of the abrasive voice and limp hair!!!!!
She is supposed to be a Victim Advocate, but neither she nor anyone gets Child Welfare to remove Nicholas from these SCUM parental figures!!!!! What's more, when Nicky is found protecting himself and his no good Mom by killing Dad, Hardwicke arrests him--a minor!--for Murder!!!! Let me tell you; if Nicky had been Nicole, this would have gone down differently, with hand wringing, and crying how Nicole was just protecting Mom and herself. But here???? Oh, NO!!!!! Big Gender bias against MEN shown here and in the REAL justice system in America!!!!!!

I am telling you, a girl has to deal with crap at work, then come home to THIS???? Maybe Monsieur Davide has a point!!!! Give me "The Golden Girls;" hell, it is enough to make me watch Florence Henderson on "Dancing With The Stars!!!" By beddy bye time, I was feeling like a grade A Bitch!!!!!!!

But, then, how often do I feel that, anyway, girls????? But do we need TV to bitch us out???? I don't think so!!!!!!

Bring back Claude Kirchner and Clownie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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