Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Darlings, This Book Should Be Required Reading For All My Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, last night en route to our Social Engagement, Monsieur and I stopped in at Rainbow Triangles in Chelsea, which, first of all, I want all my girls to support, because, as Monsieur pointed out, it looks as though they might be going out of business, even though no signs have been posted!!!! And we cannot have that; I mean, this is the only thing that fills the gay culture gap left dormant for so long by the departure of Gay Treasures, A Different Light and the Oscar Wilde Bookshop!!!!!!!! To think--one store where it is actually possible to get highbrow literature (ie; Jonathan Franzen's "Freedom") and cheap, tawdry, luscious trash (ie; the latest Titan Media DVD).

Anyway, you know I was browsing in the books, darlings, when I came across something I have always been meaning to read--the autobiography of one of my role models, and I am sure one of yours, Miss Rue McClanahan, titled "My First Five Husbands.....And The Ones Who Got Away!" While I have not read this volume yet, it has always been on my mental back burner of things to peruse!!!!! If you are in a Gay Book Group, like I am, girls, next to "Valley Of The Dolls," I cannot think of anything more apt to recommend.

There are some fabulous pics of Rue when she was young, and she was gorgeous even then!!!!! She was the Golden Girl of our Dreams, the one we all wanted to be, who showed that being mature did not mean being squeezed dry like a prune!!!! Let's face it, you couldn't get that from Beatrice Arthur!!!!!!!!!!!!

While skimming the text, I came across a phrase that certainly was Pure Rue--
"Say it like you mean it, honey!!!!!" I have no idea what she was referring to, but I can tell you that statement covers wide berth, so I am offering it up today to my girls as a mantra for how to live not only today, but every day!!!!!!!!! The point of Rue, who left us unfortunately last year, was that no matter what, she made every day count!!!!! Just think--if I could get this much out of what little I skimmed, think of what could come from reading the entire book!!!!!!!!!

Lambs, I am telling you, this volume belongs on every Queen's bookshelf this year, as well as being discussed at Gay Reading Groups throughout the country!!!! Odds are some already have; and if so, good for you!!! But for those who have not, let us all get out and read the Wisdom of Rue, which can only aid us in our daily lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Listen to what I say now, dolls!!!!!!!!!!! Read Rue, or live to rue it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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