Sunday, January 30, 2011

Darlings, Let Us Examine The Mystery Of Janice Gonnella!!!!!!!!

Girls, remember when I told the story of Janice and the Gonnellas on Christmas Day???? Who would think that name would ever be heard on here, again???? You never expected THAT, did you, loves???? But several nights ago, I had a dream that brought the whole Janice Gonnella situation back into the light, again!!!! And I found some actual things out, to boot!!!!!

The dream was structured like an 'SVU' episode; no surprise there, since I watch a lot of THAT!!!! I was in my hometown of Highland Park, New Jersey, with a police partner--no, I don't know who specifically, except it was a man--and we were investigating the apparent disappearance of Janice Gonnella. Apparently, Janice was supposed to meet a group of friends in Donaldson Park for a 28th Anniversary celebration or something (I don't know what). But according to whom we talked to, Janice never showed up. One of the women said if we wanted to get closer to the truth about Janice, we should talk to this girl, Cindy, who lived by herself, raising her child as a single parent, in the Ansonia Apartments on North Fifth Avenue. But before doing that, we went to the last known town residence of the Gonnellas--a huge brick apartment building on the corner of Graham Street and South First Avenue. What had been the Gonnella apartment was now completely abandoned--not a furnished item or crumb speck left. Janice and the Gonnellas had just......vanished!!!!!!!!!

So we went and spoke to Cindy, who looked something like Lisbeth Salander in "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo," with spiked black Goth clothing bordering on slut, tattoos and rings aplenty. She confirmed that Janice never arrived, and she told what really happened.

Cindy knew about the event in the park. She was en route there, herself. She knew about Janice's and the Gonnellas' tarnished reputation. But where the rest of them were smart enough to cow their heads and leave town in disgrace, not Janice. She continued to remain in Highland Park, pulling her purer than thou act, but dating all sorts of bad boy band boys and biker dudes, many of whom she would meet at either that cheap White rose, or local bars!!!!! Because Highland Park is, and will always be, a microcosmic Peyton Place!!!!!!

Cindy followed Janice that day down to the park, where she saw her meet up with one of these dudes, in a remote section, away from the main event. The two--now adults, began to climb the children's slide. Janice was in front, and as she sat down, the dude got behind her, and wrapped his legs around her, so they would go down together. According to Cindy, wrapped boys legs was no strange thing to Janice. But when they tried going down, the slide tipped over, sprawling them out on the ground, unconscious. The dude regained consciousness, saw the rigid body of Janice lying there, bleeding, the blood pouring pouring out onto the ground from the top of her head. He panicked, and walked away. Cindy ran to try and help Janice, and it was then a huge bus pulled up, and then drove away. When it went, Cindy said, she and Janice were gone.

No one knows what happened to Janice. Or if she is still alive. And that was basically how the dream went. I awoke, wanting to know more. So I decided to find out more for myself. I looked up that Joe Gonnella, and found he is still skulking around New Jersey!!!! But get this!!!!! A degree in Comparative Literature from Rutgers. I can believe the Rutgers part, darlings, but literature??? I had Joe in some classes, and I never saw him read a book in his life, or pop into the town library or book store, which were my homes away from home. And now I found that Joe--he of the same, round faced sleazoid look that tries to be innocent at the same time, but never fools me for a second--is Vice President of Marketing Something Or Other at Barnes And Noble!!!!! I mean, you have GOT to be kidding. And I could tell by his picture, he is on some kind of down low trajectory, espousing Christian books and all, while skulking into peep shows and such, on the sly!!!!!! Once a Gonnella, always a Gonnella!!!!!!!!!!

But imagine my shock when I searched for Janice, who would be 54 today, and found her to be.........STILL living in Highland Park!!!!!! Honey, what kind of a life is that????? The fact she still uses her maiden name makes spinsterhood likely, unless she just uses it professionally, which I think is unlikely. Poor Janice; her reputation was never restored, and she stayed on to either do penitence, slut around, or both. My guess is she remains in her childhood home, an aging Catholic spinster, taking care of her aged parents, forever playing the role of the Good Daughter. But some of us out there know differently, Janice, just as we know the truth about Joe, and the actual story of where the components of this dream sprang from!!!!

Which is for another time, darlings!!!! Kiss! Kiss to my girls!

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