Sunday, January 30, 2011

Darlings, Please Buy Our Corn Flakes!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, if you, like me, are of a certain age, who can forget the General Mills commercial for New Country Corn Flakes, in which a man and woman, posed and dressed in a manner replicating Grant Wood's classic painting "American Gothic", entreated the public to buy their product!!!!! Talk about American sexual repression at its worst!!!!!! No wonder this was the era in which folk such as Janice Gonnella were ruined.

This thought came as readily to me today as a fever dream, and I thought back to it, and how, ever since I see that painting, I associate it first and foremost with this commercial. Because it is also advertising the repressive American values of the era in which it appeared, never mind the painting. And wouldn't you know, lambs, that Grant Wood, whose biography appeared last year, turned out to be a big old homosexual!!!!! Hell, concerning his painting, he could not have been too pretty, which was part of the problem!!!!! No wonder he kept it secret.

But, lambs, those of a certain age just love "American Gothic," which represents what we all must stay away from!!!!!

Eat those corn flakes now, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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