Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Darlings, They Have Nominated Our Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well girls, the 2011 Oscar nominations were announced this morning, honoring what is allegedly the best of 2010. Though, I am telling you, "Inception" and "Toy Story 3?" You have GOT to be kidding!!!!!!!!!!!

The happiest news out there is while Natalie Portman got her "Black Swan" nod, and Colin Firth is in the running for "The King's Speech," our beloved Amy Adams got her third Oscar nomination for her role in "The Fighter." Now, I have to be honest, darlings, I have not seen it YET, but I have heard that Amy is terrific, and of course looks radiant. But I have also heard that some of us Amy fans like myself are going to need meds going in beforehand, because this is a new Amy we are seeing. In this film, apparently, she plays the kind of role I have been playing all my life, and playing every day thereof, especially at work--a tough talking, sexy bitch!!!!!!!! For me, had I done this role, people would have said,"Where's the acting?" But with Amy, you know there is acting, because Amy is no foul mouthed working class floozy. Honey, I hear in this film, she says the word--oh, my GOD!!!!!--"cocksucker!" Not that I have not heard the word before; hell not only have I said it, I have done my own share of.....oh, never mind!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are so thrilled for Amy--a baby last year, another shot at Oscar this one. With her third nomination in less than ten years, Miss Amy Adams is definitely on the fast track trajectory towards winning an Oscar. She may not win out this time--as her costar, Melissa Leo, has scored both the New York Film Critics and Golden Globe awards, she could beat Amy out, or they could cancel one another. But rest assured, there is an Oscar at some point in Amy's future, and we will be there for it, as well an watching to eagerly see what the enchanting Amy will wear not only this year, but that penultimate year!!!!!!!!!!

What are YOU wearing this year, darlings???????????????????????

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