Monday, January 3, 2011

Darlings, This Must Be A Girl's First Priority!!!!!!!!!!!

When one is a Princess, as I am, loves, things are expected of you, that aren't of others. And I know some of my girls on here are Princesses, or at least want to be, so listen well. A whole lot more is involved than just eating your ortolons properly. You have to know glamour, style, and who hangs out where. And then you have to be seen at said places.

Let me tell you about a recent happening. January 1 was Monsieur Davide's birthday, and like a good amour, this Princess took him to dinner at Marinella's on Carmine and Bedford, which, honey with their blue and white striped awnings, cozy atmosphere, friendly staff, fabulous food, and generous glasses of wine is FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had the most fabulous grilled mozzarella, followed by black linguine with calamari and sauce; Monsieur had stuffed artichoke, with calves liver and onions in a balsamic glaze. Delicious, girls....especially if one likes liver, which I do not. But I was fine with my main course!!!!! We also had, respectively, coffee and espresso, with burnt almond cake and capacino ice cream, again, respectively, for desert!!! Isn't this scrumptious, loves?????

Where things get complicated is the wine. A nice Merlot was consumed by us both, but I had my usual two glasses, which are generous in size and quantity. By the end of the meal, I was feeling GREAT!!!! Very high spirited and vivacious!!!!

Let me make it perfectly clear--I WAS NOT DRUNK!!!!! Monsieur tried to invade me in the bathroom, to what purpose I simply cannot imagine; I mean, my chastity, girls; you know how important it is to ME!!!! We then walked home, and, after a meal like that, I was SO exhausted, darlings!!!!! I began to channel the Joan Baez oeuvre; I hit every high point--"Long Black Veil," "Geordie," "Fennario," all the classics!!!!! Even the "House Carpenter!!!!" While not impugning my vocal technique--he wouldn't DARE--Monsieur had the temerity to suggest the material was all strum und drang!!!!!! When you know, girls, that ever since appearing on the scene, Joan (who, by the way, turns 70 in just six days) has probed the social consciousness of America, which is exactly what I was doing that night!!!!!!

I was not drunk!!!!! I was not creating a disturbance!!!!! Princesses do not do such things!!!!! Do you think Lee Radizwill ever did????? I cannot understand what Monsieur is talking about; can you, loves???? I behaved like a Princess the whole evening, which is how I always behave, and how I expect all my girls on here to behave!!!!!!!

Monsieur behaved well the whole time. Which is one of many reasons why he is loved. But let me tell you--it is OK for a Princess to channel Joan on the street.
Joan Baez, that is, not Crawford!!!! A Princess always behaves like a Princess, and that is exactly how I carried myself!!!!!!!

Believe me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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