Sunday, January 2, 2011

Girls, What Is It With These Disgusting Brides Shows??????????

Darlings, as you all know, from reading on here, and which I am sure even Miss Havisham herself could tell you, few things are as important to us girls as our Wedding Day!!!! We dream of it, yearn for it, plan for it, from the sand pile on up!!!! But now, in this era of Reality Crap Television, with shows like "My Fair Wedding, "Bridezillas" and "Desperate Bridal Bitches" (or whatever the other thing is called) the cause of Ceremonial Bliss is being set so far back it could be enough to create an entire future generation of Miss Havishams!!!!!!!

I mean, what is wrong with these people???? The faux wedding planners are gay; OK, that certainly makes sense, since WE have the monopoly on Taste, darlings!!!!! But the taste they display on air is degrading enough to make some straight guys seem enlightened!!!!!

I can certainly understand wanting a "Wizard Of Oz" themed wedding!!!! Can't you just see ME having one, girls???? After all, it IS my all-time favorite movie!!!!!! What I cannot abide on any of these shows is the lack of glamour from both bridal parties and planners!!!!!!!

The gay guy planners all look like they crawled out of the seediest, most sordid all-night sex party, and most likely they have. Why is it all the brides look as though they have never heard the words "Jenny Craig???" They are all grotesquely fat, and this is BEFORE marriage and childbirth, so imagine how these
lowlifes will look a good decade from now???? But don't think the grooms get off so easy; oh, no, they look so dumb and sloppy you cannot imagine why the women would want them!!!! Are they THAT desperate for a man to live off of? And are the straight men here THAT desperate for some pussy???????

Thank God, we in the Gay world have higher standards, honey!!!!!! If we didn't, the whole course of human relations would be set as far back as hetero ones by this show!!!!! I mean, if one is straight and watches this crap, after a time, who would want to marry anybody????? It is enough to make these people turn Gay, and NO right wingers, that is not OUR agenda with these shows, plus everyone on here is too ugly to be Gay, anyway!!!! Like Mike Bloomberg!!!!!

Girls, we must get this trash off the air!!!! For starters, stop taking culture cues from New Jersey!!!!!!! You should have learned that from me, by now!!!!! Second, forbid yourselves and friends to watch this disgusting trash, so it will go off the air!!!!!

It doesn't matter which show I am talking about, they are all interchangeably horrible, anyway!!!!!!! So purge yourselves of these disgusting creatures, and feast on my intellectuality hereon!!!!!!!

That is right, darlings--hereon!!!! Stick with me, and you WILL walk down that aisle--in style!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy, happy, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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