Thursday, January 20, 2011

Darlings, This Week One Bitch Edges Out Another!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me tell you, everything was in place. I was all set to go with Shannon Johnson, the 34-year-old Colorado mother, whose baby drowned in the bathtub, because she was too engrossed using Facebook! I mean, darlings, first of all, how White Trash looking can you get? Not that this is necessarily a criteria for this honor, but it helps. But plenty of White Trashers are not certified BOTWS. And for what she did--neglecting a baby because she was engrossed with her faux social life on Facebook--is venturing into Susan Smith territory. I mean, Smith was clearly self-obsessed; this one I am not so sure if she is that, or just plain delusional and insane. Not that Smith was any sanity prize either.

But, like I said, I was all set to go with Shannon. But then, who should come along, but Dr. Kermit Gosnell, and once I discovered him, well, honey, that was it!!!!!!!!

Dr. Gosnell, Philadelphia based, is billed as an "abortion provider." However, there have been 100's of undisclosed incidents involving patient and fetus murder, unsanitary working conditions, and medically untrained staff. I am telling you, darling, Dr. Karl Osler's island lab in "She Demons" was more up to speed. And what grist this is for the abortion mill. The right-to-lifers will love this, and it does not do the Pro Choice movement any good, or at best casts a blotch upon it.

When it comes to inhumaneness, Dr. Gosnell takes a prize. Supposedly helping women, he inevitably does both physical and psychological damage. I don't know where he trained, but if he is old enough to have done so at Dachau or Bergen Belsen, I would not be at all surprised.

He is so heinous it is almost a dishonor to bestow him ANY honor. Nevertheless, such rottenness is hard to top this week, and so he is this week's Bitch Of The Week!!!!!! Every so often, loves, we hit a genuinely evil one; let's hope some fun ones are on the horizon!!!!! Oh, for the days of Anna ripping a designer's dress to shreds right in front of them!!!!! Now that is bitchery one can live with!!!!!!!!!

Unless you are the designer, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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