Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Girls, I Cannot Believe It Is Wednesday Already!!!!!!

Darlings, where does the time go???? One minute I am at my sister's with Monsieur, celebrating Christmas, the next it is late January, but the winter drags on. And tomorrow I have to select another Bitch Of The Week, and nothing on the horizon yet. I also have to visit a doctor I am not looking forward to--but it is better than not and I am not pregnant, loves, so there!!!!!!!!

But truthfully, even though each Season gets rather equal due length wise, it seems Winter is the longest lasting, as it takes so long to end. Even though summer can be hot and sticky, it goes fast. I think it has to do with all the layers of clothes we have to put on each day, which annoys the hell out of so many of us girls, not to mention Cabin Fever, being housebound, because who wants to go out in such awful weather? Hell, who can stand it???? Plus, coming on the tail end of the Holidays, it is a big Downer!!!!!!!!! No wonder both Shakespeare and John Steinbeck used the phrase "the winter of our discontent!"

However, a Raving Queen has no time for discontent, what with work to do, a Monsieur to take care of, a lovely visit with Audrey and Ruby, "She Demons," and tons of books to read. And don't forget 'SVU' tonight, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

So have a wonderful Winter Wednesday, and remember by Easter time, you will have blocked this all out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Block this, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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