Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Darlings, We Simply Cannot Wait For Joan And Melissa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, every queen in town--and I know my queens, darlings!!--has their mind set on a week form tonight when "Joan and Melissa" has its premiere. This is the faux reality documentary show, wherein Joan Rivers moves in with her grown daughter Melissa, until, apparently, things are all about....Joan!!!!!!!!!! I swear, the only thing that could top this would be if my father and I did a reality show of our own. He is about to hit 96 (yes!!!!!!!!!!) on April 30, so the show would deal with me moving in with him in Florida. Of course, Monsieur Davide would have to move next door, and I would keep running back and forth..., plus all the early bird specials, gum chewing meals, Catholic Mass with dysfunctional and vocally inept choirs....plus the state's entire lack of brain cellage!!!!!! I am telling you, not since "Grey Gardens" would there be such a show!!!!!!!! And my father and I could outdo Joan and Melissa anytime.

Sample-- Why aren't you up yet?
Because I am STILL asleep!!!!!!!!!
And those walks along the boardwalk, and avoidance of political discussions....oh, boy, it might not be for queens, like Joan and Melissa, unless I go ALL QUEEN on air, but I can assure you it will be something.

But don't forget to tune in to "Joan and Melissa" next week! It should lift the winter doldrums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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