Saturday, January 15, 2011

Girls, I need Yoiur Help On A mission Of Social Service!!!!!!

Darlings, I need the help of ALL my girls now, especially the wealthier ones, and, no, it is not because I am trying to finance my wedding!!!!!! Well, actually, I AM, but that is not what this is about. Listen well and learn, loves!!!!!

Nine years ago this spring, a documentary was released, entitled "Cinemania." It profiled five people, who do nothing with their lives and their days, but going to the movies. And I don't mean, someone like me, who rushes to "Gone With The Wind," say, every time there is a New York screening of it. I am talking about those who would see EVERYTHING, including the latest Adam Sandler film (that big homophobe!!!!), which is something I would not be caught dead AT!!!!!!!!

I will never forget my first viewing of the film, which took place at the Cinema Village theater in New York. Sitting next to me was one of my favorite filmmakers, Todd Solondz, who so skillfully skewers the suburbs, as represented by our mutual home state of New Jersey!!!! You can be damn sure I told Todd some of my choice Highland Park stories, giving him complete permission to use them in any of his films. So far, he has not, but you never know!!!!!

The other thing I discovered as I watched the film was that I already knew some of its "stars." When I was a novice New Yorker, back in the 80's, I was introduced to the world of Revival Cinema (for which there were more venues back then) by a gentleman of distinction, who now rests in peace, named Alan Sattler. At almost every screening, we would go to, I would see, sitting down front to the side, this short, spinsterly looking woman, with longish grey hair pulled back, and flowing in a ponytail down her back. "Who is that?" I asked Alan once. "Oh, that's Roberta," he replied. "She goes to all these movies," as though it were something to be accepted as a given. As it turns out, it was, because it turned out I recognized Roberta, the only woman profiled, and, hence the "Queen Of The Cinemaniacs", who dominated the film, and whom I had "known" from all those years before.

Then there was Eric Chadbourne. He is the tall, portly, bespectacled and rumply looking man. When he came on screen, I said to myself, "I see him at work all the time!" Eric makes use of my workplace locale, had been for years, so, after seeing the film, I took time afterwards to acknowledge Eric, who was very friendly, even to giving me Christmas cards. He is a sweetie!!!!!

Well, girls, Eric is why I need your help!!!! He visited me yesterday, he looks OK, but when I asked him how he was doing, he said he was homeless!!!! He said he had lost the apartment, he had been suicidal, was hospitalized, and is now in a Men's Shelter on West 30th Street. I was so upset I almost burst into tears!!! This sweet man does not deserve to be consigned to a fate equivalent to Fantine!!!!
Not that he is going to turn tricks!!!! I told Eric to his face that I would pray for him, and I certainly will, but I am also going to call upon what few contacts I have in the social service field, to see what can be done for Eric. Bur right now I am calling on ANY of MY girls out there to help. All you have to do is respond by comment to me at the Raving Queen, with any ideas, suggestions, or options that might come to mind, get in touch with me, here! I would thank you, and I know Eric would!!!!!! At the same time he mentioned being suicidal, he talked about believing in himself, and it was so moving to me to hear this, because of what he was living through. I could not imagine such courage in myself!!!!!

One last thing, darlings!!!!! I wondered if Eric had any family, and I have found out there are two other Chadbourne siblings. One, Larry, lives in San Francisco. The other is here in New York, and is a jazz musician!!!! To them I ask--how can you allow your sibling to be reduced to this???? You DO something for him, even if he is incapable himself!!!!!! So if they catch wind of this--SHAME!!! Do something for Eric!!!!!!

But I know I can count on MY girls!!!! Believe me, if Rue McClannahan were here, she would want you to do something. Even if all we have left is our ruined finery,as Jewel Mayhew would say, we can reach out to someone who does not have even that!!!!

Cough it up, you bitches!!!!! Or else I will de-elasticize your Playtex girdles!!!!!

And that's Playtex, NOT Kotex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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