Monday, January 17, 2011

Darlings, I Want To Be Directed By Darren Aronofsky!!!!!!

Girls, what a day I had yesterday!!!!! Monsieur Davide and I were forced to evacuate his apartment--and, like Aunt Pittypat, I took the hats-- because there was (gasp!) no shower in which to beautify my Princess body!!!!! So we fled to my pied terre in Queens, slept serenely beneath the Princess bed, picked up garbage, installed lights, one of which exploded, and before we had time to settle down, it was time to go back into the City to meet Herb and Alvin!!!!!!

We had a fabulous meal at Gene's, in spite of the fact that the majority of the clientele looked as though they had been bussed over from the Village Nursing Home. Then it was back to Monsieur's for the "Golden Girls." I mean, no "Law and Order," or serial killers; what was I to do??? Things were so desperate, before the 'Girls', we had to watch the Golden Globes, which I really don't give a damn about, but after last night's show, all I can say, darlings, is "hubba hubba!"

Only two women looked stunning; as expected they were Amy Adams and Julianne Moore. Sandra Bullock was the wost, looking like she was auditioning for the role of Morticia in a road company of "The Addams Family." Come on, Sandra, you can do better than that!!!!!!

But my girls could care less about the women, it is the MEN they want to hear about, and I am telling you the candy store was filled. Jesse Eisenberg looked so cute, then of course there was Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal, he of the oh so pretty smile, eyes and hair!!! He looked like a big butter cream pattie you just wanted to suck on!!!! Ryan Gosling looked like a confection in his suit, and his captivating smile, too; why no one has not snapped him up is beyond me, unless, maybe, girls? Ryan is waiting for the right.........MAN???? Hope springs eternal, loves!!!!!!!!
And a word just has to be put in for little Chris Colfer of "Glee," the sweetest looking cub, who I wish Ryan would take home with him, because I am sure both would benefit from the other!!!!! Chris and Ryan....MMMMMMMMM.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You would expect them to look delicious, because they are ACTORS. But the Directors!! Like David Fincher, who makes those nice serial killer films I love, like "Seven" and "Zodiac" (with Jake!!!) and brought the same sort of darkness as those films to "The Social Network," which is one reason this film is so outstanding!!!!! David looked so scrumptious I just wanted to eat him up!!!! I am telling you, I want to be directed by David. You can bet I would do EVERYTHING he told me to!!!!!!!

And that goes double for Darren Aronofsky!!!! Who would have thought the director of "Pi," "Requiem For A Dream," and now "Black Swan" would look like Rhett Butler???? I am ready for Darren to carry me up those red stairs!!!!!!! I want to work with Darren and be directed by him whenerver HE says!!!!!! I will do EXACTLY as directed!!!!!!

So that is where I have been, girls, and who knows where we will end up today????? Right now, we are at Monsieur's, with coffee, and getting ready to watch "She Demons!!!!" So stay tuned in cyberspace, loves, I will not forsake my girls!!!!!!! Even when I am being directed by Darren Aronofsky!!!!!!

Lights! Camera! And So Much ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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