Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Darlings, Now That I'm Back, It Is Time For A Tyler Tirade!!!!!!

Girls, I knew journalism was going down the tubes, as far back as 1972, when the New York Times Magazine published Joyce Maynard's now riotous piece, "An Eighteen-Year-Old Looks Back On Life." But let's not go there; after all, we have been there and done that.

What is wrong with the Jersey Press? Today, a journalist named Abe Krieger again comes out with the assertion that the true victims of this tragedy are Darvi and Wei.

Mr. Krieger, are you crazy???? You are, and I will tell you why later.

How many times must I state--Darvi and Wei are out walking somewhere???? Has anyone seen Tyler dashing about???? And if you have, and are sober, then please tell me, because I have some questions for you. As would, I am sure, the Clementis. Unfortunately, the only time any of us are going to see Tyler walking is when we all, as the song says "Gather At The River," where Tyler is now waiting.

So while he waits, I must speak for him when I can. Krieger, you man cunt, when two sick individuals infringe on a person's rights in as humiliating a manner as possible. driving that young man to suicide--even if they did not expect that--it is not a prank; it is not bullying, which is far too innocent a term, it is deliberate and willful destruction of an individual. But you wouldn't know about that, asshole, would you????

Why???? I see by your byline you are in Highland Park!!!!! I know that town personally, as I lived there from 1954 till 1983. By the grace of God, I did not become Tyler Clementi, but it was close. Not only was I hounded by peers but discriminated against by teachers, who excluded me from certain honors because--I was not Jewish. I went to Irving School, which was looked upon as the wrong side of the tracks. I did not live on the President Streets--Lincoln, Grant, Harrison, and Cleveland Avenues. I was homosexual. So you obviously are one of the HP privileged, probably on one of the President streets, so why should you care about Tyler Clementi, so long as it does not happen to you???? Which was and is the mentality of Highland Park, New Jersey. Well, Krieger, sooner or later it will happen in some way--if not to you, then to your children, if you have any, or to other children whom you or they many know. Mark my words!!!!

Not only do you dishonor Tyler, his family, and other victims, your kind of thinking is unconscionable!!!! You are so privileged and above it all, in your enclosed HP, so to Hell with everyone else????

Why not tell that to the Clementis??? Or their neighbors????? Rest assured, I will not stir from Tyler's and their side in my support. I pray for them regularly and often. Whom do you pray for, beyond your own materialism???????

In tandem with this piece was another article implying more Government means more Evil. As long as tragedies like this continue to happen with sanction by the more popular and populous, Evil will flourish.

But not as long as those like myself fight against it. I pretty much told the HP Board of Education off in a letter I wrote to them five years ago. Now, due to your circumstantial byline, Mr. Krieger, I get to do so again!!!!!!

Choke on it, Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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