Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Well, Girls, I Saw "The Fighter!!!!!!!!"

Darlings, the back ache I mentioned moments ago, which just came upon me this afternoon, was the result of sitting in one position, so spellbound was I by the David O. Russell film, "The Fighter." And not just because of Amy Adams, whom I will get to shortly, except to say here that OUR AMY comes through with a performance of flying colors that still cannot hide her radiant beauty, but shows not only is she on the fast track to a career Oscar, she is on a a par with her surrogate acting Mother, MERYL, proving herself, too, to be of unlimited range!!!!!

Now, remember, AMY is an actress, so what she does here is acting!!!! We Amy girls know that OUR AMY is PURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honey, I am telling you, this film is the Bitchfest Of The Year!!!! I mean, every single lowlife in this film--there are no others--is a fucking bitch!!!!! You girls are just gonna love it!!!!!

The Ward family is such trash!!!!! Mama Alice, played by Melissa Leo is the low class Mother From Hell!!!! This is almost like a spoof of "Cinderella;" the seven sisters in this film, who will NEVER see the inside of Ivy League girls' schools, make the Stepsisters in "Cinderella" seem glamorous and benevolent. And UGLY--not only no Ivy League for these babes, no walk down the aisle, because what scum would have them????? Even the men are scum; poor Mark Wahlberg is the Cinderella of the story; he wants true love with Charlene (AMY), he wants a title shot in London, but Mama and siblings are plotting against him the whole time, until it all comes together at the end!!!! Even brother Dicky (the excellent Christian Bale) is jealous of brother Mickey; he practically redoes Brando's "I coulda been a contenduh" speech from "On The Waterfront," but he is such a lowlife junkie scum bag, he does not deserve the career he threw away for drugs, and he deserves to be called a cocksucker by Amy Adams!!!!!

Now, before you have a heart attack, girls, let me assure you--AMY says the word twice, but she says it off-camera!!!!! Personally, I think Mama MERYL had a say here; when Amy showed her the script, she OK'ed the word, as long as it was off-camera. Which it is!!! Though Amy does use the F word many times, and shakes her chassie in the bar she tends, and in a halter top!!! And then there are the black bra and panties!!!!! Oh, my God!!!!! How many of you Queens out there wished you looked THIS good in your black panties????? Come to think of it, how many of you straight guys, too?????? I am telling you, if anything in a bar, straight or gay, I have been in, ever looked as good as Amy Adams, I would get drunk every night. And Amy being, well, Amy, plays Charlene as a bartender with some class; she has been to college, which infuriates the low life sisters, who probably did not make it past junior high!!!!! Girls, you have GOT to see the cat fight when Mama and the Girls visit Charlene to tell her to stay away from Mickey, and bitch each other out!!!!! Melissa Leo calls Amy Adams a slut--imagine!!!!--and the ugliest sister calls her a "skank" (if anyone said that to me I would rip their tongue out), whereupon Amy singlehandedly delvers to her what is the best line in the entire film. In a filthy, low class accent, she says, "Lissen, yous calls me a skank, I'll rip that bad hair offa yer fuckin' head!!!" Then she lands a punch and they all come out fighting!!!!! I am telling you, this was better than the REAL fight scenes!!!!!!!!

Now, is there anything original in here???? Of course not; you have sen it all before. But the performances are so good the film is mesmerizing. "The Fighter" proves what I have always suspected--whenever an actor is assigned to play a White Trash role, he/she goes to Goat Alley, the lowlife section of my home town, Highland Park, New Jersey, where the people actually behave like this. You wouldn't believe the trash I was forced to associate with, and still resent. But I have to say, Amy and Company have got it right because they all sound like pieces of Goat Alley shit!!!!!

Darlings, it is too good to pass up!!!! Have a bitchin' time, girls, and then go for some high class drinks!!!!!!!

This bitch just LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!

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