Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Girls, I Am Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings! Darlings! Darlings! Let me tell you, your Queen is back to keep all my girls informed and behaved and to reign over all in blog sphere!!!!! It is like I have been to Hell and back, and you will not believe what has happened to me in the meantime.

I sailed through the colonoscopy with a clean Bill of Health, which, coming so close to the year--already!!--anniversary of my friend, David Semonin is a blessed relief. I owe it to several factors--Monsieur Davide, who saw me through it all, and bore my tirades; the Sunday afternoon viewing of "The Song Of Bernadette," in which I cried REAL tears, and even Monsieur was stunned, as well he should be, by Jennifer Jones' Academy Award winning performance!!!!! Then, as in a vision, the night before the procedure, MERYL, the great MERYL STREEP, came to me in a dream, as though a vision. I saw her in "Mamma Mia," where she does a split in the air, and jumps off the pier in the water!!!! It was a Divine (no, darlings, NOT the drag artist!!!) sign from MERYL, who was showing me the way, saying if she could do THAT, I could do what I had to do!!!!! And she was right, and I did!!!!! So, thank you, MERYL!!!!!!

But all this, girls, took a toll on my stress level, because when I got home I sailed through a migraine, fever, chills and nausea, as my body detoxified stress. I also have some back ache, which I think came from sitting (yes, darlings, sitting!!!) in one position for too long the other night, which I will get to, eventually!!!

The important thing, girls, is that I am alive to celebrate Uncle Ernest's birthday, Valentine's Day, Audrey and more!!!!!!! Thanks to MERYL, Jennifer and

For all the saints, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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