Saturday, February 19, 2011

Darlings, A Toast To That Invincible Bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, the Ladies Lunched on Friday, and while there were not matinees or vodka stingers, a wonderful and informative time of all. My lovely guest was the youthful and charming Mr. Joel Derfner, author of "Gay Haiku," and the more recent "Swish" (which yours truly recently read!!!!!!), whose hair, ladies and gentlemen, is actually a lovely shade of red, and not quite as flaming as his TV appearances would seem to have filmed or lit him. Red hair is in these days, darlings, what with Amy Adams and Julianne Moore defining such, and Mr. Derfner fits securely into that honored duet.

He is also intellectually brilliant, darlings; not only able to keep up with yours truly, but bringing to my attention the merits of "The Bridge Of San Luis Rey" (a work I have overlooked, meant to, and now will read!!!!!!), and then, oh, my God, his knowledge of Shirley Jackson is astonishing!!!!! As we discussed Shirley, I felt she was right there with us. Makes me want to go out and track down a copy of "The Bird's Nest," or "The Sundial," which I haven't read in so long I think I may have been an actual virgin when I did. So, you know, girls, it HAS been a long time!!!!!!!!

It was simply a meeting of two literary and theatrical minds, and great minds, darlings, think alike, so we were on the same page about a lot of things. Like what a piece of crap 'Spider Man' on Bdway is, but nevertheless a free tkt would have us seated there for an evening just to see for ourselves how truly awful it is. I might have to call in sick the next day, if I did!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Derfner cuts a distinguished, dashing and altogether charming figure, going beyond his persona on the reality show "Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys!" to be one of sensitivity and depth. And humor, darlings, which is how so many of us survive being gay. Scratch an adult with a burgeoning gay adolescence, and you will find a bitchy queen!!!!!!!!!

We could have bitched and dished for hours. But Mr. Derfner is no bitch, he is a gentleman. And so youthful looking; honey, he could do a "Where Is Love" from "Oliver!" that I daresay could be capable of upstaging mine. What a duet that would be--like Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall!!!!!!!!!

So, girls, Mr. Derfner is the genuine article. I wish him luck in his marriage, his teaching endeavors, and of course, look forward to more accomplished prose. God knows the gay male community is in need of those who can write. If you girls keep an eye on both Mr. Derfner, and moi, here, you may find out all you need to know!!!!!!!!!!!!

And getting to know is such fun!!!!!! We love you, Deborah Kerr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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