Sunday, February 20, 2011

Darlings, From Colonoscopy To Back Problems!!!!!

Girls, as the late Gilda Radner rightly said, "It's always something." And I am telling you, this middle-aged shit is for the birds!!!!! No sooner do I get through my colonoscopy with flying colors, then my back acts up, with pain and stiffness in the lower part, and some running down my right leg. Sciatica??? A pinched nerve??? Who knows? All I know is that I am not compelled to do "A Chorus Line" anytime soon, so forget being Donna McKechnie, for awhile. If I have to go for physical therapy I can only hope for someone like Jeremy the last time I went. Honey, he had healing hands, let me tell you!!!!

So, darlings, with the wind howling last night, and me arriving at home to Monsieur with a nice wind burn, where we enjoyed a luscious repast, I was happy to learn there was an 'SVU' marathon that night!!!!! And watch we did!!!!! The best of the lot was "Selfish," where Hilary Duff played a White Trash, negligent mother, whose baby died, but who was outmatched in acting by Gail O'Grady (formerly of NYPD Blue) as Hilary's even more White trash Mom!!!! I am telling you, these two exemplify the kinds of trash that came out of Goat Alley in my hometown, and reveals why such trash never leaves there, but stays forever!!!! By the time the suicidal husband, Ralph, marched into the house, and killed himself in front of the plaintiff who won the case his family should have, I was like , "Good for you! Now you are rid of those two bitches!!!!!"

It was a hoot! And of course we cannot wait for this week's upcoming episode, "Bully," where Kate Burton plays Annette Coleman, the Boss Bitch From Hell!!! I want to see the workers rise up and kill her, a la "Julius Caesar!" At least I hope that happens. But this will have a rippling effect, because on Thursday morning, the thousands who see this the night before, and work for Bitch Bosses, will be rising up, not taking any crap THAT day!!!! I hope it starts a revolution against Corporate America!!!!! Honey, you know I am ready!!!!!

And we were all ready today for the much delayed birthday celebration of Uncle Ernest!!!!! But he will not be deprived of his Saturday Night Fever, even if he is 80, so it will have to wait tomorrow. But a trip to Bloomfield, Garden Spot of the Garden State, New Jersey is on for today, and, girls, I promise you a full report on this!!!!!!

Darlings, this will simply make MY Winter Social Season!!!!! Let me know what makes yours, loves!!!!!!!!!!!

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