Monday, February 21, 2011

Girls, This Is The Hottest Spot In Town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Especially, darlings, if the town is Bloomfield, New Jersey, that haven of the suburban sophisticates, and home of that fun-loving, 'Virginia Woolf' couple, Joe and Norman. We all trooped out there for Joe's 49th birthday celebration--cannot believe he will be 50 next year, girls!!!!--and a good time was had by all!!!

Even though my body was pain wracked from stone floors, Monsieur and I took the exquisite excursion bus ride out to Bloomfield, at Broad and Bay, showing Jersey in all its scenic glory. Honey, I hadn't made the trip this way in years, and it was just amazing to me how nothing had changed. But, then, this is New Jersey. We got off at said stop, and there was the gardening place, the Dunkin Donuts, where Bob's wife, Ann, whos e hair is as frosted as the donuts, used to work, and the beautiful park and pond, though it was apparently too early for the ducks. We walked from there to Joe's, and noticed a U-Haul truck parked in front of a house. Girls, let me tell you what that means--a lesbian second date!!!! Which told us we were not the only ones out there with an alternative lifestyle. Just better taste. And speaking of taste, what a visual cornucopia Joe;'s house was--Christmas lights outside still up and lit, a white tree and snow man in the living room, enshrouding everything in darkness,like the set from a David Lynch movie, and a gorgeous array of wall prints, as always.

The Group convened--Joe, looking, as always, like the Stanley Tucci of Bloomfied, though this Raving Queen detected a little more gray than usual in his goatee. Time for a tocuh-up job, love!!!! Norman's hair was long and wavy. And then Goegeous Gary showed up, with his cute littile morsel, Byron, who looked as fresh and scrubbed as a Coffee Cream cupcake!!!!!! There was Tom, my cherub, of course, and we wish him luck in his new career endeavor, and Mike, looking as pert and fresh faced as ever. A special guest appearanceby John, with most gorgeous blond hair and skin, girls--like a dish of vanilla ice cream. And of course, my Monsieur looked his best and charmed everyone with his warmth and loveliness.

Soon off we went to the Nevada Diner, home of great Jersey cuisine, where people from all over the world come; some from as far away as New York City. As usual, we were the tinnest patrons there! And the mirrors and tacky lighting cannot be beat, though the recently added mahagony wood classes things up, just a bit. But they are still serving that exquisite Nevada salad, with cheese slices, and raspberry vinagarette, so all things were...Nevada!!!!! The populace got a load of what happens when you put a group of caclking queens in one room, and, girls, did we cackle!!!! I am surprised no straight folk ran out!!!! But we brought them money and variety, so the staff loved us!!! And, of course, it was Joe's birthday!!!!!!

Which, of course, means back to the house for coffee and cake. Yours truly, the Dorothy McGuire of the group, made the coffee, with some sweetly generous help from Byron!!!!! The cake was superb, Joe got some great cards and gifts, and all were happy at being together again, because with our lives, loves, it is so impossible these days to get us under one roof, let alone onre room. But, for Joe, we did!!!!!

The day winded down with Monsieur and I taking a scenic nighttime PATH ride back to the city. I am telling you, you have got to see Harrison at night!!! Nothing like it!!!!! But, then, there was nothing like this day we had, which shall remain in our minds and hearts for a long time!!!!!!

We just LOVE Bloomfield, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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