Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Darlings, Several Nights Back, I Dreamt I Was Natalie Portman!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me tell you, I know I am on some intense meds, but not nearly enough as Judy (Garland), whose dosages were so strong they must have acted like anaesthesia--no dreams, whatsoever!!!! However, lambs, MY stuff gives me some strange dreams, many of them I remember, and none so strange as several nights back.

There I was, in my dressing room at the New York City Ballet--only the best for moi, of course, darlings!--getting ready to dance the lead in "Swan Lake." It was me in my brain, but the body was Natalie Portman. So was the facial makeup, which I was finishing applying, in my white robe, prior to stepping into my costume. Suddenly, the door opens, and in walks the macabre looking Barbara Hershey, intoning repeatedly her now classic line, "What's happened to my sweet girl?" with me firing back, of course, "She's gone!" And both these lines echo repeatedly on the soundtrack, while the mirror splinters in front of me into fragments, each depicting my Natalie Portman face!!!!! I still don't know what it means, but first, let me say thank God I did not dream the lesbian sex sequence with Mila Kunis. That would have been some nightmare for THIS queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, honestly, I don't know where this dream came from. I have only seen the film once--though its image are powerful enough to retain on a single viewing--but I never had aspirations towards the ballet. A slight interest in study for physicality sake, but my true dance ambitions centered around doing the big numbers from "A Chorus Line," or learning "West Side Story's" "Somewhere Ballet," both, especially the former, had tremendous impact on me. I wanted to be Donna McKechnie, darlings, not Maria Tallchief!!!!!!!!!!!

My one regret is the dream did not last long enough for me to get out onstage and show them what I could do. Let alone see the hot male dancer I might be pas de deux-ing with. In any case, this was a standout among many memorable dreams; maybe it is a forecast at Natalie Portman winning the Oscar, which I would love to see, girls, because when might she ever get a role this good again????? Only once in a lifetime, kiddies, when it comes to an actor's career. Unless, of course, you happen to be Meryl Streep!!!!!!!!!!!

So get in place at the barre and go en pointe for Natalie!!!!!! She may not be dancing at NYCB, but she is our favorite dancing swan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quack, quack, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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