Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Girls, We Cannot Wait Until Tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, this is the week night for which we have awaited, and there is much anticipation for it. It is an evening when those who work in Manhattan across the tri state area will unite in collective disdainment against their supervisors. Or some of them, at least!!!!!!!! No, lambs, I am not talking about a union meeting, designed to resolve a contract dispute. I am talking about tonight's episode of "Law And Order SVU," on NBC, entitled "Bully," in which guest star Kate Burton plays Boss Bitch From Hell, Annette Cole. And from the trailers, Burton is one evil bitch--the kind we just want to love AND hate simultaneously.

But before I go any further, let me throw in a few real life facts. From what I can gather, this episode is based on the October 30, 2,007 murder of NYC realtor, Linda Stein. Now, Linda was a high powered, Career Bitch type, probably a bully herself. And normally, in cases like this, my sympahthies are entirely with the beleagured worker. Why shouldn't they be, since I am such an anti- coporarate type myself???? And that is ONLY because, when I initially reached out to that world when young, it would NOT acccept me, due to homosexual discrimination!!!!!!!!! Yes, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, Linda Stein was done in by her Personal Assistant, Miss Natavia Lowery. Now, if Linda was a piece of work, herself, so was Natavia. Linda was White, Jewish and of the monied class; Lowery was Black and from a lower social order, but, honey, she felt she was entitled to EVERYTHING. That is right, girls, she was Miss Entitlement Bitch!!!!!!! And I have known plenty of those, who come in all shapes, sizes, colors and genders!!!!!!!!

Poor Natavia! Linda had bucks, and she did NOT!!!!!! You can bet she wanted those bucks, that lifestyle, and saw using Linda as a stepping stone towards getting all this. But Miss Lowery made a mistake by getting TOO greedy. And not being of the Upper Echelon, she could not cover up that greed as convincingly as its members.
Now, maybe Linda WAS a bitch, shouting at Natavia, cursing her, demeaning her, blowing marijuana smoke in her face. All of which would make her a bully, and would normally place MY sympathy entirely with Natavia. However, she forefeited that, because the day of the murder, it seems Linda had discovered Natavia was pilfering money from her, to the tune of $30K. Honey, I will probably never see such an amount in one sitting in my life, but let me tell you, if I found out some assistant of mine had stolen as much as $30, damn right, I would bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Linda bitched, and this time she was justified. And what does Miss Entitlement Natavia do???? She wacks Linda over the head seven times, with a Yoga bar, sending her to the floor bleeding, probably with a fractured skull, from which she dies. Then Natavia high tails it outta there, comitting a fashion faux pas--her pants are turned inside out!!!!!!!!! Even Leopold and Loeb did not make THAT mistake!!!!!!!

Linda's daughter, Mindy, had a point. Even if Natavia felt her mother was being overly abusive, she simply could have walked out of the room. But NO--don't believe that worker frustration crap here, honey!!!!--Miss Lowery was out for big bucks, and was willing to do anything, even kill to get and keep them.

Instead she is doing 27 to Life of Hard Time, still proclaiming her innocence, discrimination, etc. Anything she can think of that will make people think she was justified in doing what she did. And maybe, if she had not stolen the $30K, I might feel different. But the stealing cuts off any sympathetic bond with Natavia, leaving one in Linda and her daugher's Corner!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I have only seen the trailer for tonight's episode, darlings. But it is clear that Kate Burton's character, Annette Cole is a REAL bitch!!!!!! She screams out obscence epithets at her workers, throws things down upon them, and in one instance slaps one hard across the face, for having--GASP!!!--three typos!!!!!!!!! Dolls, this is one bitch we just GOTTA see, and hate, and you can bet Kate was having the time of her life playing it!!!!!!!!!! But where it departs from the Stein case is that it seems as if one of the workers is killed, pointing the finger at Annette, whom we would all like to see roasted alive, but with this being 'SVU' some kind of twist is in order?????

Will Anette get her comeuppance???? Will the viewer get bloodletting bitch satisfaction???? Will they kill their bosses tomorrow morning????? It awaits to be seen!!!!! Stay tuned for tomorrow's report, loves, on how things wenr down last night!!!!!!!!!!!

And in addition to that I have to find a Bitch Of The Week!!!!! Who knows, if Kate plays her part well tonight, Annette could be it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bitchfest, darlings, bitchfest!!!!!!!!!!

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