Thursday, February 24, 2011

Darlings, What A Week We Have Had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, there have been few weeks like this. Today being Bitch Of The Week Thursday, I was all set to give the award to Annette Cole, the character played so marvelously by Kate Burton in last night's 'SVU' episode, "Bully." But, as my last post indicated, everyone turned out to be such a fucking bitch that it kind of jettisoned that idea. Next, I was set to award the prize to University of Viriginia magazine editor Ted Genoways, whom you may recall me writing about last summer, when he allegedly (and I believe did) drive his coworker, Kevin Morrissey, to suicide. I just recently discovered that in its investigation into this, UVA came out in favor of Genoways, saying he may have had poor managerial skills, but he was not a bully, and was not responsible for Morrissey's death. Yeah, right. Cover your fucking ass, Genoways and UVA. Exactly the same thing Rutgers did with Tyler Clementi. Not that Genoways is not worthy of the award. But there is also Hersha Howard, the trash from Naples, Florida, who assaulted her roommate over--get this!!!--eating her Girl Scout Cookies. And let me say, Miss Howard does not need to eat any more cookies!!!!!!!!! Do I hear Jenny Craig????????

However, all of these pale besides this week's winner, Wisconsin State Governor Scott Walker, who is taking Capitalistic Bitchery to new heights, with his notions about jettisoning public service workers and collective bargaining. Isn't the economy bad enough???? But, typical of one in his financial brackett, he does not stop to consider the needs or matters or anyone else, save his wealthier constituents. Money is God in this country, darlings, and while I do not underestimate its importance, as last night's episode ('SVU') demonstrated, some things are just not worth it.

Not only is Walker ugly on the outside, he is corroded inside. How can his wife even stand him; but, hey, maybe there is a story lurking there. It seems, inevitably, these types always have a sex scandal of some kind popping out at them, and if we don't hold our breath, Walker may have just the same. At least, it would not surprise me. And then he would be finished for GOOD.

I cannot think of a more dehumanized piece of scum to name as Bitch Of The Week. Not a glammour type, to be sure. Let's hope for that, next week.

Would LOVE to see Anna eat him for breakfast, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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