Thursday, February 3, 2011

Darlings, You Knew This One Would Make It Sooner Or Later!!!!!!!!

Girls, it is time once more for Bitch Of The Week, and while this winner is no surprise--it was just a matter of time, loves!!!!--the nature of how she made it onto this list beats, as the saying goes, all records for long standing gaul!!!!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Lea Michelle!!!!!!!!

You may ask? Why? After all, as annoying as she is playing Rachel on "Glee", as disgraceful as her performance at the Tony Awards was nearly two years ago, does this constitute such an honor???? It actuallt does not, but then Miss Lea, who thinks she is better than everyone and is now ACTING like it, did something to up her bitch factor plenty.

It seems that Hallee Steinfeld, the young, freshly discovered, and now Oscar nominated actress for her role in "True Grit" was on a set recentlty, when she spied Lea. Now, I guess Hallee is a big "Glee" fan, so to her, it was thrilling to see one of its major cast members. Wanting nothing more than to convey her admiration and an autograpgh, Hallee walks over to Lea to say all this.

But Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Big Bitch Lea just snottily snaps at her, "Not now; I'm busy!" and dashes off!!!! Well, fuck you!!!!!!!! Poor little Hallee, her heart crushed--and she, who like Lea IS NOW a member of the show business community. Plus, at the tender age of 14, little Hallee has somerthing Lea may hope to have but never will--an Oscar nomination!!!!!!!

Who is Miss "Glee" bitch to snub Hallee????????? Just wait till you need something from Hallee, Lea, and see what this gets you. How does the saying go??? Be nice to those you meet on the way up, because you will meet them on the way down!!!! Which Lea is going to be on very shortly, especially after Ryan Murphy read her the riot act for this, giving her the famous "You can be replaced!" speech!!!!!!!!! Damn right!!!!!!!!!! And it won't be long now, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

So a big salute to our Bitch Of The Week, Lea Michelle!!!! She is cooking her own goose, and I for one cannot wait till she is burnt to a crisp!!!!!!

Don't get your feathers singed now, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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