Thursday, February 3, 2011

Girls, I Am Telling You, It Is Like The Sword Of Damocles Hanging Over ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I know you think my life is nothing but glamour, and for the most parts, it is, but I am going out of my ever loving BIRD with anxiety!!!!!!!!! And to think what I am putting Monsieur through--he with barely a whimper when he had his THING tampered with!!!!!!!

I am going to the doctor today to see about this sloshing in my left ear; like having water there, from swimming when you were a kid. Except when I stand and shake, nothing comes out. And the date draws near to Feb 8, when I am supposed to have my colonoscopy, so I want to make sure I am OK to go through this procedure!!!!!!! And after Monsieur played Peter Yarrow's song, which I actually found affirming, and practically confirmed for me that MERYL--yes, darlings, even MERYL--has had this done!!!!!!!!!!!

I am trying to be so brave--like Monsieur, like Rue, like MERYL--but how much more can I take. They say it is a win-win situation, but what if..... I cannot bear to think about it. Though, intellectually speaking, I do not think so. And of course every ache or pain I get now is C. I am going insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whatever the doctor says today, I will do. If he gives the OK--I go through with it!!!!! Pray for me, girls!!!!!!!!!!! I am even going to break my Easter rule this year and watch, with Monsieur "The Song Of Bernadette" this weekend. And preparing him for that is akin to prepping for...........

It is not the fasting I mind. Or not eating. Or not drinking for a bit. Or even sitting on the can. After all, I have had bouts of food poisoning that were worse; at least here I know it is not due to illness. It is having to drink that God awful drink. I bet even Minnie Castevet's drink in "Rosemary's Baby" was easier to get down.

So pray for me, darlings!!!!!!! Touch a mezuzza, say a Rosary, or something!!!!!!! Meanwhile I have to put my hands in God, the doctors, Monsieur, Jennifer Jones and Meryl!!!!!!!! The odds should favor me, right, girls???????????

Keep your odds high, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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