Friday, February 18, 2011

Girls, Did You See This Week's 'SVU'??????????

Oh, my God, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!! After all the hype, for several weeks going, over the guest appearance of "Emmy winner Debra Messing" on the show, we just had to see this one!!!! After all, girls, knowing her only, as I do, from "Will and Grace" (not exactly a fave of mine, save when Blythe Danner would be on), I was not sure if she had the chops to pull off this dramatic role. And then there was this tease suggesting they were using the recent findings of female bodies on Long Island and in Jersey by a serial killer as one of the story threads!!!!! Honey, I had to see THIS one!!!! Well, it turned out to be better than I thought, and some are already touting it for Emmys!!!!!!

The episode was entitled "Pursuit," and in it Debra Messing played a crusading, vigilante journalist named Alicia Harding, who does a TV program called "Neighborhood Predator," which tracks down pedophiles just as they are about to act out, rather like the real life "To Catch A Predator," with Chris Hansen. Though, under the circumstances, I chose to view Alicia as a John Walsh type, with this her own "America's Most Wanted." John Walsh became a crime fighting vigilante journalist, after his six year old son, Adam, was murdered on July 27, 1981, by serial killer scum Otis Toole, who abducted him from a mall in Hollywood, Florida. Adam's decapitated head turned up weeks later in a canal in Vero Beach--where my father resides. Honey, this is reason enough not to move to Florida. But, then, this was before "The Golden Girls." Walsh wrote a book about what he went through, "Tears Of Rage," that is truly heart wrenching, and the story was dramatized as an NBC TV movie, entitled "Adam," with Daniel Travanti and JoBeth Williams. Out of this came Walsh's still visible show "America's Most Wanted." Like Walsh, Alicia Harding;'s actions are fueled by the abduction of her 13 year old sister, twenty five years before. The sister is presumed dead, though no body was ever found. Her life has been all about tracking down her sister's killer. And ADA Sonya Paxton (the brilliant Christine Lahti) has been tracking right along with her, so she has tremendous emotional investment herself.

Well, girls, it seems someone is stalking Alicia, because they want her out of the way. She is convinced it is her sister's killer, and she makes herself even more accessible, hoping the scum will come after her. But, first, suspects come crawling out of the woodwork, like roaches, including a disgruntled employee named Donny, whom Alicia fired, and who countered this, by--GASP!!!!--sending her a nasty email!!!! Girls, if all the nasty emails in my life were laid end to end, well, as Dorothy Parker herself said, I wouldn't be at all surprised!!!! Somehow the spot where Alicia's sister was last seen alive becomes important, and when Alicia, with Olivia, goes there, they find, off to the side, grassland where they find four disposed and very dead young girls' bodies. A REAL serial killer scum. It narrows down to a guy with the alias David Adams. He is in his late thirties, which means he had to have done in the sister while still a teen himself. Alicia points out famed killer Ted Bundy killed his first victim when he was fourteen. And my girls know, from "The Bad Seed," darlings, that children often commit murders, and quite clever ones. Hell, as a kid, I thought of a few, myself!!!!!

But the big shocker is saved for the climax. Alicia blasts the killer on the show, setting herself up as a decoy. Sonya decides to go to her local AA meeting, and Olivia and Finn discover the killer is trailing her!!!! They violate the meeting's anonymity, but before anyone can get bothered over that, they discover a bleeding, dying Sonya in the bathroom. She was attacked by the killer. Dying, ,Pieta style in Olivia's arms--girls, I cried so much here, because I just LOVED Christine Lahti as Sonya--she says "I got him." Turns out she bit him, so they can extract his DNA!!!!! They do, they trail Alicia, whom the killer takes by force on the street, puts a knife to her neck, but let me tell you, when you have Olivia Benson pointing a gun at you, you do not mess with her HONEY, and the scum who murdered Alcia's sister is apprehended.

Which should make for a happy ending, right???? Not really; in fact, this episode has one of the darkest endings ever, both literally and figuratively. In a barely lit interrogation room, with Olivia watching, Alicia faces down her sister's killer, asking him to recount, from the start, all his victims. The look on her face makes him squirm. Hell, this Ice Princess would make anyone squirm. But, darlings, you have to love and admire Alicia for her tenacity in tracking scum. It paid off for her!!!!!

And you just have to LOVE Debra Messing for turning in such a powerhouse performance. And killing off Sonya--who would have thought? Only now, Chrisitne Lahit can't return, which is a mistake, since she added some bite to the show. Just like me, darlings!!!! The elimination of Sonya is my only complaint here!

But, girls, I cannot recall an episode this exciting since the really early days!!! It is certainly the most exciting one of the season so far!!!! But what we saw for next week looks to be exciting, and all MY girls can relate to this. It seems to involve a group of people at a workplace who take action against their bullying boss, played as a real Bitch From Hell, by Kate Burton!!!!! Honey, the workforce of New York City runs on these types, both male and female!!!!! Slap them silly, girls!!!!! Well, in the trailer, Kate slaps a worker hard across the face for having five typos!!!! Darling, if this happened at MY workplace, not only would that supervisor be dead, but if five typos is all it took, no one there would get any work done!!!!!!

I am telling you, 'SVU' is really cooking, girls!!!!! I cannot wait to see the one next week!!!! We will talk about it, and all our Bitch From Hell experiences!!!!

Love to all from this Hellish bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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