Thursday, February 17, 2011

Girls, This Is Absolutely Shocking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, remember about four months ago, when I reported on the shocking, very untimely death of former child star, Chris Udvarnoky, who spellbound so many of us as Niles Perry in the 1972 film, "The Other?" His passing sent shock waves of sorrow throughout not only all my girls, but those who simply revered the film "The Other."
And in my review of the year's (2010) top stories, I recounted it again, with an apt photo of Chris from the film, which is how he will always be remembered.

Well, now I have something equally shocking to report. But let me tell you how my awareness of it came about.

Each evening, girls, Monsieur and I, when we are together at his place, always end our day with a screening of "The Golden Girls." Episodes galore run on the "Hallmark Channel," and it is a nice wind down, for moi, to end the day with all my girls, especially my personal favorite, Blanche, as played by Miss Rue McClanahan.
I can remember back in the Eighties, when this was first on, and I lived in Brooklyn, watching this on Saturdays with my friend, David, now living in Chicago. Seeing these now, it is amazing how many segments I thought I saw I actually did not.

But I am getting off the track. The other night, as we were waiting for "The Golden Girls" (even more poignant today, what with only Betty alive, and all of us younguns now Golden Girls, ourselves!!!!) I caught a never before seen episode of a show I was fond of many years ago in prime time--"Touched By An Angel." Darlings, this show was a journey to spirituality that stirred the soul and made us cry real tears!!!!! I mean, you didn't need Church, when this was on; come to think of it, it was after the show went off the air in 2003 I thereafter began going to Dignity Services. This show, was, basically, a female counterpart to the Michael Landon show, "Highway To Heaven," only, in my opinion, better. Roma Downey, with her lovely red hair and Irish brogue, played Monica, an angelic emissary from Heaven, sent to Earth by her supervisor, Tess, played by the wonderful Della Reese, to help those in need. I still remember the episode with Piper Laurie as the woman going blind who wanted so badly to see Venice, Italy--that was a REAL tear jerker, loves!!!!!!

Well, the other night, sure enough, there were Monica and Tess, whom I had not seen in ages, and it was good to see them again, and the show's compelling message held up very well. It was also one I had not seen, because in this one appeared a character named Adam, in a white suit, who was also a Divine emissary. As I explained the show to Monsieur, I related how usually the male character was this guy, Andrew, played by a blond, very good looking actor, named John Dye. When I started watching the show, back in '95, Andrew had long flowing hair; and when he eventually cut it, he looked even better. And in his white suit, he was HOT looking!!!!!! He was basically the Angel of Death, who assisted Tess and Monica when things got too rough, or if someone, as occasionally happened on the show, did die. During its prime time run, I always thought if my time came, I would be OK with Andrew coming to get me. Now I wait for Meryl Streep. Andrew cut a striking figure in his white suit, but let me tell you, girls, try as hard as I looked, I never could see any visible panty lines. I guess because it was a prime time spiritual show, the producers made sure that Andrew, no matter how comely he was, never displayed any.

Next day, I found myself thinking about this show in a way I hadn't for a long time. In fact, till just recently, I had not given it any real thought at all. So I decided to poke around to see what I could find out, what might spark my memory of favorite episodes, when I came upon an entry that said, "'Touched By An Angel' Star Dies". My God, I thought, how could I have missed that? And of course my first thought went to Della Reese, as she was the oldest player on there. Imagine MY shock, loves, when I discovered that the one who had died, was none other than John Dye, Mr. Angel Of Death, himself.

On January 10 of this year, exactly three weeks before what would have been his 48th birthday, John Dye was found dead in his San Francisco home. I was stunned. The only thing conclusive seems to be his death was cardiac related--one report said "myocardial infarction" ( a fancy name for a heart attack!) one said heart failure, and a report from the family said there were heart problems.

I mean, the guy was hot looking, was said to be active and athletic-- he loved tennis--which makes the untimeliness of his passing even more sad. But, darlings, you know me, I have to wonder. How much do we know or do not know. Mr. Dye lived in San Francisco--uh huh!--and from what I have been able to surmise his private life was just that.......private. Whichever way he swung, he could have gotten anyone with those looks, but none of the obits mentioned a spouse or partner. Which doesn't mean there was or wasn't one. It just means that part of his life was kept separate.

Of course I lean towards the idea that he was gay. Which begs the question--was the death really heart related, or was it heart related in the face of AIDS???? An organization connected to the disease was mentioned in one of the reports as one of his favorite charities. I suppose we will never know.

Does it actually matter??? Of course not!!!!! What matters is that we have sadly, unexpectedly, lost an actor who touched so many lives in his signature role. He will be missed and remembered. So, darlings, get out there and LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

And make sure you dress as well as Andrew!!!!!!!!! I mean, John Dye!!!!!!!!

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