Thursday, February 17, 2011

Darlings, We Have This Week An Authentic New York Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, girls, I am not talking about your garden variety New York bitch, like Anna or the New York City Legal and Theatrical Communities, from among almost anyone within you can just take your pick. Come to think of it, the Literary Community is pretty cut throat too; after all, forget that Kander and Ebb crap, to make it HERE (NYC, darlings!!!!) you have to be some kind of bitch. As I can testify.

But this week's winner takes the prize not only for sickness but sheer ineptitude. The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Maksim Gelman!!!!!!!! In case some of my girls are jornalistically challenged (ie; do not keep up with news not related to fashion or show biz!!!) this is the 23 year old young man from that nice middle class enclave of Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn (or at least it used to be such, with great restaurants, hon!!!) who lost it last Saturday. Poor baby got pissed because stepdad would not let him have the car!!!!! Let me tell you, this is no Cinderella!!!!!! Instead of wishing for a Fairy Godmother, Maksim stabs his stepdad, walks out, stabs his ex-girlfriend (whom he had been stalking, by the way) and at least half a dozen others--some of whom died, some did not--in a 24 hour span!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me tell you, I can smell an 'SVU" episode a mile away, and mark my words, before the season is done, this will be dramatized in some way on that beloved series. But there is nothing beloved about this guy. First, have you seen his picture???? He looks like he does not take a bath!!!!!!! Now, I know some of my girls out there are into roughing it, and think he might be hot and give them quite a tumble, but I can tell you, you do NOT want to mess with this guy!!!! He makes Alex Forrest in "Fatal Attraction" seem mentally stable. Add to that a bit of Raving Queen prejudice--you can tell this guy was not born here, which is almost a dead certainty that he is.......uncut!!!!!!!!! And yours truly, a Baby Boomer, raised in the Land Of The Free and Circumcised, will not touch that!!!!!!!! Again, more hygiene problems, and if this guy can't look clean from his head shots, then you know that other HEAD of his is not clean!!!!!!!!!!

I would love to see the toxicology report, because I can tell you it is a pretty safe bet to surmise drugs played a role here!!!!!! Hey, they do in show biz!!!!!!!! But this guy wouldn't know Judy Garland from Judy Canova!!!!!!! He is pure New York scum, the kind that gets let in here from time to time, but needs to be cleaned out periodically, like the bars in New Orleans' French Quarter, every morning. And he is headed from trouble, what with the tabloids yelling headlines like "PSYCHO" and "ROT IN HELL". You want to give him Hell, darlings???? Tie him to a chair, and make him watch "Funny Girl" repeatedly. It will drive him into a state of insanity, which is what Gay Cinema does to the heterosexual males!!!!!!!! And he deserves to be locked away!!!!!! And his victims need closure!!!!!!!!!

Yes, darlings, we are going to have to go a long way to find as lowlife a piece of scum for BOTW as Maksim Gelman. Just wait till the boys in the pen make him their Personal Bitch!!!!!!!!

Like the song says, darlings, "Who's Sorry Now?"

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