Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Darlings, This Is What Happens When Gossip Girls Gather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me tell you, when we gather, we talk!!!!!!!! And talk was plenty last night when Monsieur and I convened with Frank and Mark at the surprisingly crowded Jane St Tavern. We were put in the Private Section that seems reserved especially for--gasp! homosexuals!!!!!!-- where we succeeded in conversing, and the meal was superb. I mean, my pork chop, darling, was fabulous! And the mashed potatoes and asparagus (how phallic!!!!!) were so delectable, as well as the apple crisp Monsieur and I shared.

As for Frank and Mark, they are rather charming and well groomed, which counts for a lot with yours truly. Especially if you have ever sat across a table from some of the characters I have in my lifetime. However, I do have to say, that for all their talk about "going to the gym", I really did not see any evidence of it. They looked no more nor less than Monsieur and I; no one is going to cast any of us in a Titan Media film, so I would love to know just what their workout regime entails. Bet it involves a lot of shower room and steam room work, and observation. I bet neither can do my Donna McKechnie moves!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, really, so charming and so presentable; the kind you can dress up and take out, which counts for a lot with yours truly. They might not be on the social cusp of things, darlings--but, then, Hell, they have not known the Raving Queen long enough--but it does not mean there is not room for improvement. When Frank recounted his earlier forays into acting, even I was impressed, loves!!!!!!! Mark remained quietly and fascinatingly vulnerable, with occasional forays that showed a quick wit. Honey, it was not like dinner with the Gabors, but, these days, what is, especially with the now 94 Zsa Zsa, the former "Queen Of Outer Space" star, hanging on by a proverbial thread. Not to mention Liz Taylor; honey, if she goes this year, I don't care what anyone says it is the Death of Hollywood!!!!!!! That I could live to see such a thing is scary. I may have to take days, weeks, off from work. In fact, the entire New York City Gay Men Workforce should shut down in honor of Liz.
We shall see!!!!!!!!

This week has been a social blur, what with two dinner nights in a row, a play performance tonight, and volunteering on Thursday. Friday may be time to vegetate.
So stay tuned, girls; you never know what is going happen next!!!!!!

Like the fact I now have a cell phone! More on that another time, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

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