Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Darlings, We Have Had Ourselves One Crazy Winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me tell you, now that we have passed Valentine's Day, and are right on schedule--Donna working on the taxes, a romantic, if delayed, dinner with Monsieur Davide at the Paris Commune, from where I think the lovely Cody has moved on to better things--it is time to say that this Winter has taken a toll on everyone. Not just physical health, but psychological as well. I have never encountered as many nasty people over the winter as I have this year. Even in the summer, when tempers are known to flare, I have not detected such hostility--from subway riders, customers, anyone you have to get out in the world and deal with!!!!!!!! Yesterday may have been a Day of Love, but I can tell you, save for Monsieur and moi, there was not much love out there.

Over at the New York City Ballet, things are going nuts!!!!!!! "Black Swan" fever has upped the tkt sales to "Swan Lake,' with people frantically calling in, asking if Natalie Portman is going to dance the lead at the performance they are going to see. First, I don't think even Natalie's skills are up to it, and second, from what I understand, she is this close to giving birth, which would prevent a lot of activity, let alone ballet. These callers are probably a lot of Dance Queens who are showing up to these performances, made up to look like Natalie OR Barbara Hershey, God forbid!!!!!!!! They probably scream out, at intermittent points--"What's happened to my sweet girl? She's GONE!!!!!!" And the ballet used to be so quiet and contemplative a form of entertainment. Now it has become as frenzied as the latest action film!!!!! If only Darren Aronofsky were dancing the Prince; as Miss Caswell said, "Now there is something a girl could make sacrifices for!" But no such luck.

It is no coincidence that all this is happening during what has to be the craziest Winter I can remember. We had that blizzard back in '96, but not the unrelenting cold and/or snow and ice we have had since the day after Christmas. Kiss this bitch Winter goodbye, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! My only fear is that it portends an equally sizzling summer!!!!!!!!!!!!

But enjoy the now virtually snow free streets while you can, darlings, because who knows???????????

There is only one place for snow as far as I am concerned, girls--and that is on the screen in David Lean's "Doctor Zhivago." Make sure it stays there!!!!!!!

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