Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me tell you, we have come to THAT DAY again, and few days in the calendar year arouse so much tension and derision, among both queens and non, as this one. Valentine's Day, or, as yours truly sometimes calls it, VD Day (Heh! Heh! Heh!) is simultaneously loved and reviled by Americans everywhere. Spinsters (and I can recall those sad days, honey, when one had to be grateful to whatever crumbs were thrown to one from Life!!!!) despised it, the Partnered loved it, since they had someone to celebrate with and to celebrate for, while Grotesque Creatures would just buy chocolate boxes for themselves, pig out, then get all out of sorts, due to constipation!!!!!!!

And this day has so many rituals, and almost everyone has one of their own. Darlings, I can tell you I have gone through several in MY time. I used to play the Original Cast Album of the 1963 musical "She Loves Me!" (Bock and Harnick, Barbara Cook, the most romantic music imaginable, oh, my God!!!!!!!) on this day, but then as my embittered spinsterhood sunk in with Age, I changed things, and used to watch....ready, girls????...."Fatal Attraction" on this day, to remind me that sometimes it is better to be single than not!!!!!! But what kind of a tribute is that to a day celebrating naked, flying, winged cherubs????? (Like my friend, Tom!!!!)

Well, darlings, this year is a Revelation!!!!! Because I actually have someone wonderful to celebrate and commemorate the day with, which I plan to do, even if I have to work till 8PM tonight!!!!!! Monsieur and I will retreat to our quiet oasis, the Paris Commune, where hopefully, we will be served by the comely Cody, and have ourselves a Romantic Meal!!!!!!!!! Kiss! Kiss! No wonder I had a dream last night I was performing in the musical "Company!"

So, loves, whatever your Special Ritual is today, even if it is reading and reciting key passages from Tom Savage's novel, "Valentine," have a wonderful day filled with love and laughter!!!!!! And all you spinsters who worship at the Temple of Agnes Moorehead, remember there is HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!

Honey, if I can do it, YOU can do it!!!!! Kiss THIS, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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