Girls, let me tell you, last night's episode of 'SVU' was the first new one since "Bully," with Kate Burton as the Boss From Hell. This was not a benchmark segment, like that one, but it had some real howlers, going for it.
It starts with a couple in a parking garage, being approached by a bleeding man, stabbed in the crotch, the knife seemingly lodged into and sticking out from his genitalia. Certainly an attention grabber, darlings!!!!! By the time Olivia and Elliot show up at the hospital, he is alive, but has lapsed into a come. They have found out his name is Jerry Brunner.
They question Brunner's wife, and let me tell you, she is one uptight piece of work, with a daughter who, given how things turn out, will grow up deeply disturbed. She talks the talk about a business trip to Washington DC, but they are not buying it, and honey, neither am I. Further search leads to this guy, Aldo, a seemingly homeless guy, who is suffering from some fatal form of insomnia common to families from a certain area of Italy. Sweeties, they never talked about this on "The Golden Girls." They find that Jerry was seen coming in and out of this doorway entrance, where others--both men and women--go, then emerge. It turns out to be The Swing Set, a sex club that advertises online, and recruits by invites from current members.
Before you can say, "Action!" Olivia and Elliot are on the prowl, posing as a swinging hubby and wife at the sex club. Now, honey, I know my sex clubs--albeit only gay male ones!!!!!!!--but I can tell you, the one depicted here was about as tame as a late 50's cocktail party. Hardly any garments were removed, and barely the hint of sleaze.
They discover that Jerry had a thing for one of the regulars, Cassandra, and that his wife, once she admits to their "lifestyle", was allegedly fine with it, as it spiced up their sex life. Hon, this broad is just not telling the truth. And neither, as it turns out is Cassandra, who gives Elliot a hard luck story about her ex boyfriend, Doug, harassing her in the place. He and Olivia buy it, at first, but, during a stakeout at Cassandra's place, where they see her come out, meet Doug, and kiss him as though in the throes of first love, they know they have been had.
It turns out that Cassandra and Doug are a couple of sex grifters, who play upon vulnerable men at these places, and them drain them financially. And this is what they were doing with Jerry, too, which is why his wife got outraged--he was draining their personal funds and the college fund of their daughter, so he could be with this skank. Which is why she confronted him, and, enraged, stabbed him. She is nutso, too--going to swinger sex clubs, then stabbing hubby for the same thing!!!! What a piece of work!!!!!!!!!!!
But, wait, it gets better! The detectives find a string of aliases for both Cassandra and Doug, as well as a link to the murder of a sex club member in Florida. When they get the data from the FPD, they are stunned--it turns out the grifters are siblings, twins, and carrying on an incestuous relationship!!!!!!!! Holy crap!, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When they tell Jerry, who has posted bail for both Cassandra and Doug, he says he has a "special gift" for her. Stabler and Benson run to his place, which is blood spattered. Jerry has killed Doug, so he and Cassandra can be together. Cassandra walks in and finds this, and falls apart. Jerry has lost everything--his livelihood, wife, daughter, freedom, and now Cassandra. What a sicko!!!!!!!!
The scene fades out on Cassandra, sobbing in the dead brother's arms!!!
Girls, what a hoot!!! I think it should have ended with that sleaze, Jerry, putting a gun to his head, and blowing his brains out!!!!!!! This is what he deserved!!!!!!!!! Or Cassandra doing it for him!!!!!!!!!! But can you believe this--passing all this off as New York City tawdriness, when the Raving Queen, darlings, knows the real thing, especially from those far back days of spinsterhood?????? Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!! You know when the wife complained Jerry was too "vanilla?" So was this episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MY vanilla is only Hagen Dasz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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