Thursday, March 24, 2011

Girls, We Have Ourselves This Week A Classic Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, remember when we started this column a year back, with les soeurs Pain???? Do you know what inspired that? It was none other than a recounting of the case, published in that previous Sunday's NY Daily News, in a feature they have been running for years, called the "Justice Story."

Well, this year we have another "Justice Story", with another winner!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Mary Beth Tinning.

What a bitch!!!!! She marries Joe Tinning in 1965, and it seems like one of those marriages, where every time she looks at him, she gets pregnant. Didn't this woman ever hear of birth control? She had over half a dozen children, many of whom seemed to die mysteriously, from things ranging from meningitis to SIDS, whenever she was alone. Tinning was convicted for the murders of three of her children, though I am sure she killed more. She is being held for Life in a prison in upstate New York. She is classified as a serial killer and her deaths are Mucnschausen by proxy!!!! Or so is said.

Remember the character of Annie Wilkes, memorably played by Kathy Bates, in the film version of Stephen King's novel, "Misery?" It would not surprise me if Mary Beth caught King's attention and figured in his creation of Annie's character.

And of course what makes her such a bitch is that in spite of the mounting suspicion, she and Joe kept having children, who often died. Obviously, they liked sex, so either clam up or get a vasectomy!!!!!!!!! I mean, things could have been prevented???? Was it religion??????? Stupidity????????? I suppose we will never know!!!!!!!!!

But by not stopping Mary Beth earned herself a place in serial killer history, and now the honor of being named Bitch Of The Week by the Raving Queen. Way to go, Mary Beth!!!!!!!!! Thank God she is post menopause!!!!!!!!! Wonder what happened to hubby Joe?????? If he was smart, he would have split!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Split your sides silly, girls, Mary Beth is one great Bitch Of The Week, and congratulations to her on that!!!!!!!!!

And love to all MY girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Marybeth did kill 8 of 9 kids (1 was adopted) 1 died at 8 days old ( she did not kill this one) after her youngest child died she confessed to killing only 3 of her kids then took it back she was only charged with 1

  2. Thanks for the info. She was a despicable human being.
    She deserved what she got.
